
First, I wanted to say how great I think this group is and very informative. It's been about 1 month and some change (2 months on the 1st of Oct). There is no redness or swelling but the left side around the site is extremely sore including my shoulder. Just wondering if I should call the nurse. After reading, many say they are healed and starting to move around a bit more. I don't know if if the bra strap irritating it or not. I put thick gauze under the strap for cushion but it doesn't help the soreness much. I know it's still considered "new" and that I'm still healing. Is there anything I can use like an analgesic? Thanks in advance.


Hi 🔑

by Lavender - 2024-09-27 00:16:53

Sorry to read that things are still sore. I was told to take 650 mg Tylenol every four hours when I first got my pacemaker. Ice really helped. I am wondering if your shoulder is sore from not moving it enough. You could ask your dr. Maybe they can order some physical therapy. I know that I mentioned to you before that therapeutic massage really helped with my left arm and shoulder area. 


by PortCityPacer - 2024-09-27 11:44:35

Your strap and or seatbelt can definitely cause irritation and soreness. There are products available on this site as well as eBay and Amazon that will cushion the area from straps/seatbelts and will work much better that gauze or the foam pipe insulation I initially tried.

Re: Soreness

by KeyKey74 - 2024-09-27 18:34:36

Thank you both. I haven't been cleared to drive yet so I will definitely be proactive to get the necessary cushions. Not moving it much may be the issue.My husband still won't allow me to do much😫. He is very over protective.I will start incorporating some small arm exercises, but I will speak to the nurse. 

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I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!