Brain Fog / Sleepy

I experienced dramatically increased brain fog and sleepiness immediately after my pacemaker was implanted.  It's now been a month and although it's slightly better, I still feel significantly more drained and constantly drowsy compared to before the procedure.  My brain feels cloudy almost all the time, the opposite of what I expected.  

I'm 69 in good health, an active lifestyle, a calm, care-free personality and no other health conditions. I take no medications.  The only thing that's changed was the pacemaker.  The doctor has no explanation. 

The only reason I got the pacemaker was due to a low heart rate.   I had never had any type of surgery or procedure prior to the pacemaker.  Now I wish I had not agreed to the procedure,  Hopefully over time I will at least get back to how I felt before the procedure. 

I welcome any suggestions.


You have to consider other things

by crustyg - 2024-09-26 18:27:12

The Romans had this warning: Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, which means 'After the event, therefore because of the event.  Just because two events are closely related in time, doesn't necessarily mean that they are related by cause.

I don't think your PM was certainly or even likely the cause (although I can imagine some complications that the lead implantation might have caused).

I recommend a second opinion (not from an EP-doc), starting with the history of the brain fog, focussing on the symptoms and when you first noticed it.  That should trigger some sensible investigations that look for causes of your symptoms that don't assume it's caused by the PM.

Good luck.

Brain Fog

by Lurker (Doc DX) - 2024-09-27 00:13:31

Looking at your bio I see your a very secretive person. Without that info one can't give a decent answer.

You don't say  what meds you are on or if you have any new ones.

some medications can make you feel that way till you get used to them.

Doc DX


Sleepy 🥱

by Lavender - 2024-09-27 00:25:40

I was very sleepy after getting my pacemaker. I fell asleep for an afternoon nap every day. I just couldn't stay awake. I still doze some afternoons for a bit. I'm thinking just the stress of the process and the healing is making you tired. Perhaps the brain fog is just your mind adapting to the shock of getting a pacemaker. It's there now and will stay so you will have to get used to it.  

I see that you take no medication and have already consulted with your dr. 

Might be a bit, but you will recover. A month in isn't that long. It took me seven months to feel normal. 

You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

I'm 44, active and have had my device for two years. I love it as I can run again and enjoy working out without feeling like I'm an old man.