Motorcycle riding with a pacemaker

My husband will be getting a pacemaker soon.   Can you still ride a motorcycle with a pacemaker?  The doctor just sent us an information packet which says something about not doing car engine work when the engine is running.  So he is wondering about riding his Harleys.   I hope you have some good news for us!  Thanks, this is a bit over whelming at first.  Then, we have what seems like such a wait for it, 7 1/2 weeks.


Hi there🏍️

by Lavender - 2024-09-24 11:44:10

I read your other post. I think you need to push for his surgery to be moved up given that the EP said a couple weeks.

I got mine as an emergency. My heart had paused 33 seconds. Those pauses of your hubby's can get longer and longer. I fainted about 25 times over six months. The last two faints were near death experiences. Your husband's condition can progress to longer pauses.

Of course your husband should not be driving a car or even riding on a motorcycle right now. He will be ok to ride again after healing from his pacemaker insertion. 



by Lavender - 2024-09-24 14:32:22

Copy and paste this link into your browser. It's a discussion on this forum on motorcycle riding:

Update to motorcycle question

by Bulltown - 2024-09-24 17:11:02

Hubby's pacemaker surgery is now tomorrow!  We made a desparate call to the regular cardiologist who got it all worked out for tomorrow morning.

I was asking about the motorcycle because we had read something about car engines/magnets interferring with a pacemaker.  So we wondered if something on the motorcycle engines could do the same thing.  Especially since you are about sitting on the engine.  Hope that makes sense.

The doctor did not think rinding the bike would be a problem  Of course, prior to pacemaker he is  not driving his motorcycles or truck.

Thanks for all your help!


by Lavender - 2024-09-24 17:49:00

Kudos on getting him in so fast. You could get a job as a patient advocate! Lol

Best wishes to your husband. May God guide the EP to the best possible placement. May he heal completely and quickly!

vroom vroom🏍️


by Bulltown - 2024-09-24 18:06:28

Again, thanks!

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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.