Chain Saw Chainsaw

I've had a BS pacemaker for about 5 months.  I know there's discussion about whether or not it's safe to use a chainsaw when one has a PM. 

There's discussion for/against saw useage.  Distance from the saw to the PM seems to be the main topic.  People use lawnmowers with their PM.  I guess a mower motor isn't that close to one's body. 

Anyway, I'm wondering if an EMI (electromagnetic interference) jacket would protect me from the danger of a chainsaw?  Any EMI clothing users?  Any opinions? 




by piglet22 - 2024-09-22 21:08:21

You don't say what sort of chainsaw it is.

Petrol, electric?

Many users on here use all sorts of garden machinery and I've yet to see anyone reporting confirmed interference between machinery and pacemaker.

Possibly very old equipment can be electrically noisy but new stuff has to meet tight EMI rules.

Yes, any emission rapidly falls away by the square root of the distance.

Hopefully, any chainsaw user is going to keep the saw at a reasonable distance away.

I wouldn't hesitate to use one tomorrow.

If you are still concerned,, run it by your pacing team, or online there is a lot of information.

I believe the Americans Heart Association published a full list of interferences


by Lavender - 2024-09-22 21:47:13

I have a three year old Boston Sci CRT-P. I find their link helpful in answering a lot of questions like yours. 
Copy and paste:

No problem

by sgmfish - 2024-09-23 20:06:11

I run a chainsaw all the time. Never noticed any harm.

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