Pm ventricular lead replacement

Hey everyone! So glad to have found this site! Had a pm inplanted on 13 June '24. Had 23 years of tachycardia/brady/extra systoles and eventually syncope. Upon release from CCU after 2 days, I noticed excrutiating stabbing pain under left rib. Went back to thoracic surveon and him and technician said all looked fine. Pain eventually went away after 4 weeks and was replaced by pacing under my skin at exact place where stabbing pain was. Specialist tech came and found the Ventricular lead is severly oacing diaphragm. Surgeon agreed and it will be done on 10 Sept. Is it that easy to have a lead move? It now paces constantly in a manner that you actually see pulsating under my skin. Not dependent on my PM as it only works 23% of the time. Also interesting that I read of another member who wakes up at 4h39 when PM tests itself. Mine happens to do that at midnight to one every morning. Specialist thech switched it off until after the lead replacement or re-positioning. What is you opinion about the time that has passed from June to now, with regards to scar tissue and removal or replacement of lead?  Thank you for a great, informative site. Added so much to my life already!!


still easy!

by Tracey_E - 2024-09-05 16:29:31

It should be pretty easy! They'll go in the same place as before. It takes a year or so for the scar tissue to build up. Until then, it's not difficult to reposition. Good luck.

Lead replacement

by Aberdeen - 2024-09-05 18:02:48

I don't think you will have any problems. My RA and RV leads failed after 2 years and I had to have both replaced. I have a CRT- P pacemaker so I have 3 leads. 
The surgeon managed to do it successfully as he said that 2 year old leads wouldn't pose a problem.  That was 2 and a half years ago.

Good luck!

🌸welcome 🌺

by Lavender - 2024-09-05 22:46:12

Love your bio! Sorry to read that such a peaceful gal is having so much stress! I am glad they finally figured out how to help you. May God guide the hand of those who reposition the lead. Let us know how it goes🪻🌻🌷

You know you're wired when...

You have a little piece of high-tech in your chest.

Member Quotes

Yesterday I moved to a new place in my mind and realized how bad I felt 'before' and the difference my pacemaker has made.