Whom to Believe

As a curious šŸ¤” person I decided to attempt gathering information on possible treatment other than replacing my CRT-D. 

The fourth EP I interviewed seems to be a winner from my viewpoint.  No lecture, spoke appropriately to me.  As we discussed my situation the doctor confided he could not confirm my leads are compatible with the device he is considering as a replacement.  I pulled out my Medtronic ID Card with my Lead ID numbers.  The Lead ID numbers on my Medtronic Implant Card from the last implant do not agree with the Lead numbers from the Original implant.

I discontinued with my original EP because his office was not being managed appropriately.  I almost always received my Interrogation Report along with another clients personal history.  Not occasionally, often.

I had billings for missed appointments I knew nothing about.  Often the missed appointment was made and missed the same day, without my knowledge.

I had the tech try to convince me to have the Watchman procedure.  The EP arrived and angrily stated No Watchman!

I am sure part of the problem was the fact students were an integral part of the business of running the practice. Records were a mess inappropriate behaviors frequent.  I had a premed student try to talk over the tech who was trying to show a student how to do a device interrogation. The tech told the pesky student to be silent while my Device Interrogation was run. The offending student continued on wanting to play mock interview with me. Accused me of not liking her etc. I gave her my best Teacher look and stated I wanted to see and hear what my Interrogation showed. High drama and crying was the result.  The tech put the student out and kept her out. 

My issue is I am at a loss to know if the implant EP'S ID Numbers for my Leads are correct or should I rely on Medtronics Lead ID numbers.  I called Medtronic this morning the representative I found difficult to understand she is Asian and did not seem to understand I simply wanted to know the correct ID Numbers for the three Leads I have. 

My original EP'S office seemed to lack a Office Manager.  I found lots of errors šŸ˜• on my hospital admitting documents from my EP'S office.

I would expect Medtronics to have accurate records, howevery maybe they only rely on what they receive from the implant team.???

Way too much junk to sort through, anesthesia is also a problem.  Plus the fact I feel significantly better without my CRT-D,  my energy is higher, EF has stayed the same, very low.   I was 100 percent paced.  Four or five years since my CRT gave it's last squak.

Any suggestions on how to track down the ID numbers for my Leads.  I think/hope Medtronic would be most reliable, however if the implant team gave them the wrong Lead ID number...

Egad, I hate dealing with incompetency. 



id numbers

by Tracey_E - 2024-09-04 12:58:58

The numbers are printed on the packaging that it comes with. They give us a copy and send the other two Medtronic, then Medtronic sends the permanent id card. I can't imagine how it get messed up! 

My understanding is all leads are compatible, they just might need a connector, and the system may not be MRI compliant. But any lead and be connected to any box. 

Serial numbers

by piglet22 - 2024-09-04 13:51:36

UK practice is different and doesn't involve the company rep (Medtronic in my case).

The implant team fill the ID card out.

For what it's worth and from memory the Medtronic leads for atrial and ventricular leads start with serial numbers like LEU and LET.

Well done AS for putting your foot down.

What a Mess!

by Penguin - 2024-09-04 14:29:40

That does sound inefficient to say the least. 

From memory, my lead serial numbers are on an ID card that was provided to me when I got my first PM.  I think, that the numbers are also on the 2nd ID card issued when the PM (not the leads) was replaced.  

I have never checked to see if the serial numbers for the (same) leads are consistent between the two cards, but would be similarly concerned (like you) if they were not.  If you can't trust either implanting EP or the office(s) who have handled your care, Medtronic is probably your best bet if they issued the ID card.  

I'd try Medtronic again and ask for your call to be passed on to someone else if you have to speak to the same person again, and are unable to understand her easily. 

The numbers

by Gotrhythm - 2024-09-04 14:53:07

Oh Sparrow, I have no words of wisdom, but I do feel for you!

Off topic, friends and I were discussing whether there is an anxiety/irritability disorder similiar to PTSD that arises from extended contact with the medical system.

I was of the opinion that there is.

How frustrating!

by Lavender - 2024-09-05 22:50:51

I too was given my lead serial numbers when I left the hospital. I later received a card in the mail from Boston Scientific with the serial numbers on as well. 

Hope you soon find the answers you need!šŸ’

I feel this

by Tex61 - 2024-09-07 08:04:23

I fired my cardiologist of 8 years last week.   I'm in a small town 90 min north of Houston.  

found the best EP in Houston who swapped out all my leads and converted me over to CRT.    

needed an echo and a stress test. Original cardiologist office is so hard to talk to a real person.   Voicemails.  Apps.  No verbal.  I never felt like they were taking this as seriously as I was. 

asked my new EP for plumber recommendations and he sent me across the hall.  

now it's one stop shopping in one or the best medical centers in the world.   And all I have to do is drive a bit longer to get there.  

Done deal. 

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