Battery change pacemaker with problems

Hi all

i had a battery change in April and all went fine with recovery.

i feel that my pacemaker isn't sitting right, feels like it's on my collar bone and it just aches all the time.

when i sleep on my left side i wake up with the freakiest muscle spasm which affects the whole side of my body. I've recorded it to show my family as it's unbelievable.

has anyone experienced this? Do you have any advice? I just feel worse off after my battery change.


laura x


Advice - yes

by Gemita - 2024-09-04 04:29:13

Laura, I would go back with the video to your doctors and show them what is happening, if you haven't already done so?  By now I would have thought things might have settled after your implant but clearly you are still extremely uncomfortable.  They may need to check the position of your device and leads to see if there has been any movement.  More importantly they will need to check that nothing serious is going on?

I saw a "visible" worrying sized pulsation appearing (right side above collarbone where the pulse is) some months after my implant and experienced moderate intermittent pain right across my collarbone for several months.  This was due to trauma/partial obstruction of my subclavian vein where a pacemaker lead was placed.  Once I developed collateral circulation the pain and visible pulsations slowly disappeared.

Please go back to your doctors for advice and some checks and do report any other symptoms you might be getting in case your device and or leads need repositioning or the settings on your device need adjusting?   


by piglet22 - 2024-09-04 04:51:31


I hope you had a device change rather than a battery change.

My dear old aunt who had a pacemaker was convinced they took the old device out, changed the battery and put it back, all in 10 minutes. I suspect it was a Holter monitor.

If your spasms in the PM area match your pulse rate, it could indicate a fault on the PM set up or a damaged lead.

On balance, I would think that unlikely given that it's only a few months since implant.

I would suggest you get it checked and ruled out.

Unipolar pacing is a mode that uses muscle as the electrical return path.

I experienced muscle twitching when my first PM was allowed to go beyond end of service and changed mode.

Hi with a hug

by Lavender - 2024-09-04 10:05:55


I agree with the others. A simple xray can see the placement and see if it moved. I understand that the extra lead material is usually wound up behind the pacemaker. Perhaps a bit of it unraveled back there(?)

In any case, this is easy to check on. Call the dr who placed the device. Hugs


by laura1brown23 - 2024-09-05 18:42:23

Hi all,

thanks so much for your replies. I never thought about how the spasms feel but yes they go with my pulse and after reading that comment I'm fairly sure it's a pulsation rather than a spasm!! 
I had a whole PM change and not just the battery you're right.going to email PM team for further support xxx

thanks xxx

Let us know!

by Lavender - 2024-09-05 22:52:22

Good luck and hope they adjust things for you!

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