1 year checkup

One year checkup for my current device today. Previous checkups not relevant because this is a new heart with a new set of problems (not AF and heart failure but intermittent high grade heart block with ventricular standstills)

Paced 40%. Delay adjusted to reduce that. My new heart has an intrinsic base rate of 100+ so lengthening the delay should not be an issue and will help battery life (currently 7 to 8 years estimated but it's too early to start worrying about that. As the longest a previous device has lasted is 3 years - not due to battery life - 7 or 8 sounds good to me.)

One episode of VT in the last twelve months: 7 seconds at 194 bpm while I was dozng in bed before getting up one morning; I didn't notice it. Resolved spontaneously, but something to keep an eye on. I was reassured to be told the remote monitor had flagged it up but the review had concluded nothing needed to be done because it was a one off. Nothing showing up for a couple of recent dizzy spells but my BP is generally much lower than it used to be, so i shall toss a coin between discussing that with my GP, the transplant team and my renal consultant, all of whom are happy to tweak my BP medication in three way consultation.

So, 150 mile round trip for 15 minute consultation (and a three hour Zoledronic acid infusion, but that's a separate story that had me and the nurses rolling on the floor with laughter)

Job's a good 'un, as my mum used to say.




You’re amazing

by Lavender - 2024-09-02 22:44:58

I read your story when I first found this site. Your strength and perseverance are inspiring. It's so amazing that you're on your second heart. 

What a journey you have to take for your checkup! 

My blood pressure is lower too. I used to hover around 120/70. Sometimes now it's 98/63. Rarely gets above 113 on top. No one is concerned though. I'm told to tell them if it 90/60. Hasn't happened yet. 

Thank you for updating on your saga. I'm in awe. 💕

So good to hear from you

by Gemita - 2024-09-03 02:44:09

Dear Atiras, 

I place your post in success stories and I can see that you are most definitely planning for the future.  Where does all this strength come from?  I am amazed too.  Thank you for continuing to share your incredible journey with us.  We are lucky to have you.

The one short episode of VT hopefully will not progress.  Many of us experience isolated episodes and they usually aren’t concerned as long as they stay short, stop on their own without intervention and remain infrequent.  

I hope the dizzy spells can be controlled and that you stay safe.  Balancing the meds as we well know can be difficult with complex health problems.  We are off to the Falls clinic tomorrow since Michael is getting some dizzy spells and balancing problems too and a fall at 86 has to be avoided at all costs.

Were you really rolling on the floor laughing after your Zoledronic infusion.  Do tell us more?  

Old hand

by piglet22 - 2024-09-03 04:31:06

Sounds as though you could write a book just on your PM experiences.

I did pick up in your biography that you had worked for a utility which was privatised.

Echos my experience. Very stressful, lots of jobs lost, key people leaving..

A lot of pigeons have come home to roost as my company ended up in a Crown Court on 51 counts of criminal negligence.

All the hard work in the past and that's what they do. No wonder people get ill.lAt east you kept your sense of humour.

Good luck

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My pacemaker is intact and working great.