
I had a dual chamber pacemaker implanted six weeks ago . It seems to be doing it's job but I am freaking out a little because at nightime when I lay my head on my pillow I am aware of my heartbeat . I hear the thrumming and it's weird . Anyone else had to deal with this ?



by crustyg - 2024-09-02 16:28:05

My heartbeat is difficult to ignore when I lie on my left side.  Enlarged athletic heart.  The one big advantage is that my PM changed 40 thumps per minute in my chest to 50 calm beats, even if I can feel every one of them when on my left side.  Right side, much easier.


by dwelch - 2024-09-02 22:47:18

I went from hearing every beat to a disturbing emptiness when I got my first device, huge heart that was not running well, to a smootly running heart.

I now have a biventrical so if the right combination of things, which I cannot create on purpose, tired laying the right way or standing, etc the leads will fire off my tummy muscles and I each heartbeat fires my body muscles.  more amusing than a problem.

End of the day, the pacer is there to make you normal or more normal and safer, etc.  You will get used to your new normal.  But saying that there is no reason to hesitate calling the doctors office.  depends on your condition, what the pacer does to help you, a stronger heart may very well be part of your treatment.  could be a left side right side thing, how your heart moves or sits  in your chest...



by Lavender - 2024-09-02 22:48:48

Shirley you might want to remove your email address from your name. 😉

Six weeks is still early in the healing process. You will adjust to the changes and ignore your heartbeat in time. I'm aware of mine when my ear hits the pillow but I turn my head a bit to not notice as much. When I first got my CRT-P, I was hyper aware of everything in my body. Now I have had my device over three years and am used to my new normal. 

Heard g heart beats or device

by Renny - 2024-09-03 00:39:22

I had this early on.  Could hear a swish sound from my CRT-d.   Seven years on I didn't not hear it very often at all.  Usually when I have sinus or allergy issues and my ears feel blocked.  


by Penguin - 2024-09-03 06:16:50

Hi Shirley, 

I am informed by members on this forum that pacemaker current is often turned up a notch to help the PM wires bed in initially.  This can mean that you are super aware of your heart beat. As long as it isn't uncomfortable or keeping you awake too much, it will probably get turned down after some weeks. If it's troublesome let the technicians know at your first check. 

Sometimes, we are just super aware for the reasons that other posters have mentioned, but see how you go. 

(I agree with Lavender about that email address!)  Send a PM to a moderator (Gemita or Tracey_E) if you don't know how to change your user name. 

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