New to pacemaker

Hey y'all! I just had a pacemaker installed on Friday. I was having ablation done to correct PVC'S and the catheters damaged my heart, and so I needed a pacemaker. I still feel like I've been in a car accident now. I'm 55 and also have a history of afib. Been in afib 6 times. That's what caused the PVC'S. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself. Thanks for reading my story!



by Penguin - 2024-09-01 16:20:35

Welcome NGAMoose, 

Oh no! No wonder you feel like you've been in a car crash. Not the best way to get a pacemaker. Were you warned that this could happen?

We will support you of course and hope that you feel comfortable enough to bring any questions to the forum that you may have. We're not (all) experts here and come from a variety of backgrounds. My own is non-medical, but I have had two pacemakers for more than 15 years. 

A.Fib, PVCs and AV block are common topics here as well as the inevitable mental adjustments you have to make when a pacemaker is implanted.  

Look forward to hearing more from you. 

Best Wishes


by NGAMoose - 2024-09-01 21:00:47

Thank you for the warm welcome! I was told that it could happen. I'm the 1st case for my EP where, when the catheters damaged my heart, he said the low bpm have always come back pretty quickly. In fact, there was another patient that had the same thing happen that day, and his came back within 30 minutes. It's really past for the course with me though. It seems that I always have the weird, rare things happen to me. I have 2 rare diseases as well. 

Thanks again! I look forward to learning from everyone!

Welcome Steeler fan🏈

by Lavender - 2024-09-02 22:52:27

So far the team isn't doing well. 😉

Hope you're feeling better by the day! Your body is doing what it is supposed to do. Your pacemaker will improve your life. Be patient with yourself. You've been through so much! 

New pacemaker

by NGAMoose - 2024-09-03 09:58:10

Thank you Lavender! The thing is, I felt fine before I went in for ablation. It was literally that procedure that caused my need for a pacemaker. I had a temporary pacemaker sticking out of my neck for a day. I'd say that, during those 24 hours, I was very tired. Couldn't keep my eyes open. Anyway, just clarifying. 

Thanks again!

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Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.