Pacemaker newbie


I'm completely new to the pacemaker community and am just realising how little I know!

I am 64 and active runner and walker.  My pacemaker was fitted a month ago after I passed out a few times within a couple of days, having never passed out in my life before and zero previous heart issues. 
It appears I have sick sinus syndrome?  
Anyway, I'm a month on and awaiting the time in a couple of weeks or more when I can get back running. I've already been doing brisk walking and all ok. 
Is there anything I should know before I start again. I've never really ran to my HR previously, just ran as I've felt. 
I've no idea what my settings are on my device, I guess I can ask when I go for my first check up?

Any positive advice gratefully received as I was under the impression that I could just go back to how I was before but reading some posts on here, I'm not so sure?

Edit to add, it's the type of pacemaker that will only kick in if my HR drops too low?

Thanks x


Return to normal already available

by crustyg - 2024-08-31 13:38:24

It's wise to avoid serious sweating before the PM pocket wound has completely healed (it's why swimming is forbidden at first), but you are a month in, and your wound should be completely healed.

You can go back to running now, although you *may* find that your maxHR is too low for you to achieve your previous performance - a lot depends on how your SS (and probably CI) was affecting you.

There's a good chance that your maxHR is set to 140BPM or thereabouts - this is much too low for an athletic young senior like you.  Unless you know that your heart muscle is damaged, or you have coronary artery disease (seems unlikely) then a maxHR of 160-170BPM would be more sensible.

Default, out-of-the-box PM settings for folk with SS+CI who have Rate Response enabled are likely to be suitable for running.  Other activities *may* need your PM to be tuned (==adjusted for you) to give the right balance of increased HR and avoiding overpacing.

Don't discard your Positive Mental Attitude: you *can* go back to how you were.

Best wishes.

You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker interferes with your electronic scale.

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Stay positive and remember that your device is your new best friend.