Stress Tess

I continue to learn about life with a pacer. I am 5 weeks post op and pretty much all things have returned to normal. The only thing that still bothers me is my left arm. It still has a little pain form the shoulder jount down and there is still a numb spot of about a 3 inch circle on my upper arm on the outside. Hopefully this will go away.

I has a stress test yesterday and learned that I can not have a tread mill test with a pacer as it shows too many false positives. So, I had a chemical stress test. It seemd tougher to me than tha tread mill but only lasted 6 minutes. I will get the results in a week.

I guess this no different for everyday life which I hope will always be a learning experience.



by mhkitchens - 2007-09-13 09:09:23

Is there any to edit posts for typos?

Chemical Stress Test

by janetinak - 2007-09-14 03:09:32

Hi, I just had my 1st stress test this way & T.G. was OK. I worried all week about results ( I have a PM too & have had since 2000) & was told later that I would have had to see the cardiologist before I left if any problem. Not sure, of course, if same where you went but makes sense & thought you'd like to know. And it was wierd but tolerable.Keep in touch & our thoughts are with you.


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It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.