Remote upload results

Hi fellow pacemaker club members!  

I have had my medtronic dual chamber pacemaker for almost 7 years to treat complete heart block.  I am pacer dependent as my ventrical paces 100% of the time.  Have any of you had your upload results report Electromagnetic interference?  I was looking over my results from my recent remote upload and I has 2 events most likely related to an Electromagnetic interference on July 9th. Thinking back to that afternoon I remember feeling something very strange with my pacemaker and my heart rate was all over the place.  These events occurred while lounging in my aunts inground swimming pool.  One event was 14 seconds and the other was 50 seconds.The events were recorded as AT/AF and blow is a summary of the events.  The max heart beats of 600 seems a bit crazy and I have never experienced this kind of thing before when swimming in my relatives pool.  Just curious on others thoughts on these readings and experiences with pacemaker interference. 



1st event: Duration 14 seconds

A/V max rate 600bpm/VP

A.Median 600bpm(100ms)

Average BPM 139/66

2nd event: Duration 50 seconds

A/V max rate 600bpm

A,median 600bmp(100ms)

Average BPM 333/64



Not my area but have a look at the attached link

by Gemita - 2024-08-25 19:17:15,lead%20to%20devastating%20clinical%20outcomes.

Meredith, we have some EMI knowledgeable members who have commented on this in the past.  Take a look at the above link.  Seems to partly mirror your experience.  Concerning to say the least and at those speeds you were lucky your arrhythmias didn't progress to something more serious.  I would avoid the pool at all costs and suggest to your Aunt that some safety checks are made!  

Nothing like that has happened to me, although I have had heart rates for short periods in that upper range.  Doesn't seem possible, does it but atrial tachyarrhythmias can reach those dizzy heights, although a healthy AV Node normally slows conduction, so that the ventricles are protected.  Did you receive a call from your clinic when this was happening?

I am very much affected by loud, vibratory music which can quickly trigger some very high heart rates and a response from my clinic.  It last happened when I attended a carnival.  I won't be doing that in a hurry again.

Please take care.  What a frightening experience

Was it a saline swimming pool?

by IrishToast - 2024-08-25 21:51:41

There have been recent discussions here about saline filtration swimming pools. Perhaps that is the kind your aunt has.

It was the pool

by Merriashley - 2024-08-26 22:36:56

Thank you both for responding to my post.  I received a call today from the Pacemaker Clinic and all, looks good with my device and he agrees that the pool was the cause of my EMI.  Strongly recommended I talk with my Aunt about checking on pool light, pump etc electrics for issues with wire insulation and grounding and perhaps not swimming in the pool .  Such a strange and scary event!  Also thanks for sharing the article!



by Lavender - 2024-08-27 00:23:42

I was going to direct you to this article on pool issues:

Part of the article:

Our patient was advised to avoid the swimming pool and to have the pool company investigate the current and reinsulate any underwater wires. No further EMI episodes and mode switches were detected by remote telemetry. Our case suggests that the Incidence of EMI in the swimming pool may be more common than reported and that patients receiving CIED implants need to be made aware of swimming pools as potential sources of EMI.

Go to:


Our case suggests that many instances of CIED noise and mode switches may be a result of common yet unrecognized sources such as current leak in swimming pools. Our report stresses the importance of counseling patients about potential environmental sources of EMI as a part of post procedure education.

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