Abnormal R waves

Recently at a Cardialogist office visit , they did an EKG, The results of the EKG showed an abnormal R wave progression. Just wondering if that is something for me to be worried about. The Cardialogist at the time, said nothing either way about this finding. Later on,at home, I checked online, and read, usually with that type of finding,while it is not always something to be concerned about, it's more important, that further testing be done to find out,why in the first place I have an abnormal R wave progression.  My Cardialogist sent me on my way, without any suggestions to have further testing for the abnormal R waves. He never even mentioned it. Actually, I found out myself, that I had this Abnormal wave progression on an online site called "My chart". Does that sound right to you, should the doctor have just dismissed discussing the abnormal R waves with me. I would appreciate anyone who has had this abnormal R wave progression, sharing with me how their outcome turned out.


One perspective

by Andiek11 - 2024-08-18 23:21:47

I can't comment on R wave progression, but what I can share is that if the dx of "R wave progression" was something that you read on-line in your chart (Mychart), then it is important to message your Cardiologist for clarification.  Case in point....  During my last cardio check-up all went great.  No findings, everyone happy.  Later that night the "results" of my EKG taken earlier that day during the appointment were posted on-line.  The results said I had indication of having had a heart attack; something that I'd never had to my knowledged and something never brought up by the cardiologist.  I messaged my doc the next day, and he was clear that I had not had, nor had ever had a heart attack.  What I was reading in the report was what an algorythm that determined based on my EKG but in the absence of any broader knowledge about my full clinical condition.   So , "yes", my EKG might show indications of what is often seen on EKGs of people who had experienced MI's but in my case that was not what those "blips" meant and he explained why.

Bottom line, message / call you cardiologist with your concerns tomorrow and ask for clarification and share your concerns.  Good luck! 

Abnormal R waves

by emabo - 2024-08-18 23:29:03

Thank you Andie for your comment. Yes, I will call and post what they say.. Hope all is well with you.

Agree with Andie

by Gemita - 2024-08-19 03:13:43

Emabo, ECG machines can get it wrong.  This has happened to me several times over the last few years when assessing arrhythmias.  The ECG always needs to be read/confirmed by an experienced cardiologist who can fully assess and accurately translate the findings.  Please remember an ECG reading is only for a short period of time, so longer term "external" monitoring of heart rate and rhythm may be needed to get a more accurate picture of what might be going on. If you or your cardiologist are at all concerned, you will be offered further tests.  In the meantime, your cardiologist will have your pacemaker data (and any stored ECG) to help him decide the significance of any new finding.

From your comments, it seems your cardiologist is unconcerned about your ECG findings, or perhaps the findings are expected with your particular heart condition or other health conditions?  This might be a reassuring sign, but you do need an explanation of the findings and confirmation that nothing important is being missed.

There are a number of potential causes of an abnormal R wave progression, including poor placement of ECG monitor leads, so I would go back to your doctors for clarification and please do not worry in the meantime.  Poor R-wave progression is a common ECG finding apparently.  Its significance is often questionable.

My question to you would be:  are you having any symptoms that concern you, or do you "feel" reasonably well?  If you have new or difficult symptoms, then these might need to be investigated, but if you feel well, that would be a good sign.  I see you have diabetes, so this condition needs to be kept under firm control to protect you.  I wish you all the very best

Thank you Gemita

by emabo - 2024-08-20 02:07:59

I appreciate you taking the time to comment, Gemita. I will be seeing the Cardialigist in a few months, Hopefull then,he can tell me more.than he did last time.Only thing new with how I have been feeling, is that I get tired quickly and sweat profusely doing my housework,  I will fill you all in after my next appointmant..

I would seek advice

by Gemita - 2024-08-20 06:08:55

Emabo, I would just let your doctors know about your symptoms, if you haven't already.  They may want to see you earlier or to change any medication or dose of medication to help with your symptoms.  I don't know whether you are already on insulin for your diabetes, but sudden glucose changes can cause similar symptoms to those you describe.  

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