Misc updates

Firstly....I continue to be grateful as I celebrated my 8- year 'rebirthday' following a SCA.  

I've also been plagued with 4 events since April with aflutter and atrial tach episodes with HR in the low to mid 250s, lasting 10-12 hrs and then 1-2 hr periods for up to 3 days.  I've been instructed to go to the ER, even if I convert on my own.  My EP is almost 3 hrs away, so that would mean going to a local ER and getting transferred to the EP's hospital. I am most grateful for the Abbott Gallant HF CRT-D I received about 1 1/2 years ago--it has a phone app so I can easily send remote transmissions, and most importantly it suppresses ventricular rates from speeding up to try and keep up with the fast atrial tachycardias, lessening the chance of a shock.  It suppresses my rate to about 120 bpm.  I am maxed out on Sotalol and the EP nurse said the EP is considering an ablation and possible med change to amiodarone.  I see the EP again in a month. 

I've been feeling extremely fatigued, swollen,My and SOB since March and I had a stress echo a couple of weeks ago, but have not gotten an interpretation.  My primary emailed me to see the pulmonologist and she sent the stress/echo to him.  My HF/cardio dr has left the practice and I am waiting for a call from the dr she referred me to for an appt.  

I caught up with everything on this site tonight.  I've been struggling with work and the heat, and the large project is completed, so I'll have a little more time for myself.

Thanks for listening!  




It will pass and you will be well again

by Gemita - 2024-08-06 07:44:05

Karen, with all that you have going on, we are indeed fortunate to hear from you and to receive your update and to know that you have caught up on Pacemaker Club posts.

It is tough as I well know being an arrhythmia sufferer to have to make quick decisions about when to go to ER (A&E) or when to leave well alone.  I was faced with such a decision recently when I experienced chest pain which was quite severe, radiating to left arm, chest pain that I had never experienced before.  I chose not to go to A&E and rested instead, but I was taking a chance and I have been told never to do this again.

I am glad your HF CRT-D (heart failure, cardiac resynchronisation therapy device with a defibrillator) is able to suppress ventricular rates or to prevent the tracking of fast atrial tachycardias, lessening the chance of a defribillator shock.  120 bpm certainly sounds better than low to mid 250 bpm when you would become unstable very quickly indeed.  Hence the advice to go to ER.

Don’t try to push through any difficult arrhythmia episodes, even at lower heart rates.  Try to rest and strongly visualise that they will pass.  Please keep well hydrated, well rested and eat nutritiously.  How can any arrhythmia ever win when we are taking such good care of ourselves?

I send you as always Karen my very best wishes for a good recovery and thank you for keeping in touch with your friends here when you are going through so much yourself.  Incredible journey so far xx

Hi Karen💖

by Lavender - 2024-08-06 09:06:13

Thanks for the update. It sounds like you have had some adventures! I'm hoping with the project done, you can step back a bit and get yourself some respite.  

You have the local ER and your phone app. I too count on both being there to back me up. You are not alone. 

It is so frustrating awaiting appointments. Here it's hard to schedule appointments. I have tried unsuccessfully to schedule a Dexa Scan bone density. There are no appointments available til next year. Not enough staff. 

If your primary care sent your stress echo results to the pulmonologist, perhaps calling your pcp for a consult on the results would be helpful. Be sure they're told of the swelling and SOB. If you feel unwell do not hesitate to go to the ER.  Here we are told that when we can't get in to the dr and are having issues, to go to the ER. It's the quickest way to get help and tests. 

Hugs. 🌼

good to hear from you!

by Tracey_E - 2024-08-06 09:58:32

I'm sorry to hear you are still struggling. Hugs to you.


by Rch - 2024-08-06 14:51:27

I'm very sorry to hear about your  predicament and can't imagine your providers are not getting you in, in a timely manner to address your concerns!! If I were you, I would call 911 with your next episode and get to a tertiary care ER/ hospital right away! Even if you convert on your own in the ER, the docs will consult the EP over the phone and might push the appointment dates up. I wish you well! 

Thanks all for your kind words

by islandgirl - 2024-08-08 00:50:33

Yes, I will go to the ER for the next event (maybe there won't be another event).  Frustratingly, I have no control over the arrhythmias.  Speaking to the EP nurse, I told her I will go to the ER to get evaluated. My EP is at a university hospital and there is a cardio number after hours and I do get an immediate callback from the dept. They can access the transmissions after hours as well. I do sit and relax as much as I can, but very symptomatic from poor perfusion--sweating, chest pain, SOB, and my heart bouncing in my chest.  Hugs to you all, my friends.



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