Beyond the Moon!

After a long discussion with my Cardiologit at my 12 week check-up, we agreed to get a follow-up Echo this month to see if any progress was being made towards an improved EF and to check my lipids to see how they responded now that I've been off the Beta Blocker for about 10 weeks.  Quick recap, I ended up with a Conduction System Pacing set-up on May 1 in that the original plan for a bi-ventricular PM was derailed during the procedure when they discovered a Persistant Left-sided Superior Vena Cava which prevented them from getting the third lead properly placed.  The CSP strategy is a relatively new approach and looks very promising to get the same type of results (or better) as a bi-ventirular system but there is not yet much data to prove this.  In my case, the goal for getting a PM was to restore my EF from 40% to as close as possible the "normal" range which is 54%-70% ( I believe).  I'm also on a Beta Blocker holiday and choosing to use a standarized Hawthorn Extract instead.  

I had the echo completed and my lipids panel redrawn last Friday.  I'm sure I'll speak with my cardiologist tomorrow or Tuesday, but the resuls have already dropped into my chart.  The results are outstanding!!!

In 13 weeks my EF has improved by 25% - it's now at 50%!!!!!!  My LV was noted to have returned to normal size.  (woohoo!!)   And I expect that there will continue to be improvement over the coming months.   :)    The thickness of my LV wall is still at the upper end of normal, but my BP remains nice and happy at 113/75.  

And since stopping the Beta Blocker at the beginning of June, my lipids have all improved.  LDL is down by 26 points to 124mg/dL.  My Trigliceriides have returned to their usual level (60mg/dL) and my HDL is slowly recovering but is already up to 70 mg/dL  (usually its between 90-100 because of my exercise practice).  My total cholesterol has also dropped 32 points to 206 mg/dL.

I'm beyond happy with these numbers and appreciative beyond words of the part that both the PM and some life-style changes have also played in this happy outcome.  Since adjusting my upper tracking rate a few weeks ago I can now also feel the improvement  in my energy and endurence.  

So it's great to start off on a happy note. :)  



by Lavender - 2024-08-04 21:58:32

Wowsers!  Amazingly awesome Andie!🥳

Wonderful news

by Gemita - 2024-08-05 02:12:46

Andie, I am over the moon about your results too.  What a success story and how we all love success stories. Long may your improvements continue.  

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could pinpoint what has made the difference - a combination of all your recent changes no doubt - but perhaps the most important has been the finding of that magic pacing spot within your conduction system.  You have been a super responder to pacing so far at  just 3 months post implant and I hope your progress continues.

Please let us know what your cardiologist/EP says.  I expect they will be very happy with their work and with their "responsive" patient.

I wonder if I will see improvements in blood lipid levels now that I have come off my beta blocker, Bisoprolol and switched to a new medication.  I believe older beta blockers can slightly raise triglycerides and lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also called the "good" cholesterol, although newer beta blockers are less likely to affect cholesterol levels.   I am sure though further research, as always, will be needed to confirm this.  In the meantime, coming off your beta blocker will no doubt have helped restore your energy levels and got rid of any fatigue


by piglet22 - 2024-08-05 08:29:04

Bisoprolol seems to be the big spanner in the cardiology toolbox.

10-mg certainly whacks the ectopics, and everything else.

The PVCs have gone, apparently, so I'm weaning myself off the big dose and have halved it so far.

Some of the physical fatigue has gone as well.

Interestingly, my BP has dropped a bit, from 130/80 something to 120/70 or below.

Originally, the GP increased the Atenolol dose because he reasoned that having the pacemaker would allow me to tolerate it better.

I'm already on the ABCD cocktail (Angiotensin, beta-blocker, calcium channel, diuretic), so I'm wondering what else could go.

If you can’t exercise and get the benefits, then being clobbered by medication might not be a good idea.


by Tracey_E - 2024-08-05 09:52:09

What great news. I'm so happy for you!

Tracey, Piglet, Gemita and Lavender

by Andiek11 - 2024-08-05 10:50:13

Many thanks to you all for being amongst the very first to offer support, guidance, opinions and occasionaly pulling me off the ledge (lol) from the very start of my PM journey in the first part of this year.  You know that test results are good when your cardiologist feels safe enough to have a member of his staff call you to say that the results all look promising - including the lipids improvement - and to keep doing what I'm doing.  

(Forgive me but I do need to interject a rather smug, "told you so..." facial expression here that's very respectifully directed towards my cardiologist.... *hahaha*)

Of course he pointed out that I'm not yet back into the normal EF range, but he is pleased with what he's seeing and that we should just keep going as is till my next check-in appt w/ him in the January / Feb time frame.  The current plan is to do another echo at that time.  So, "Bring it on 60%!!!"  (go big or go home....)  Oh yeah, and lots of finger crossing for more progress won't hurt either.


by Rch - 2024-08-06 18:07:30


Great!! But I do have a suggestion as to your lipid profile, which you could discuss with your PCP or Cardiologist. Your LDL is a calculated value. It's

LDL(c) = Cholesterol ( total) - TG/5 + HDL

You could further drop your LDL by raising HDL to your baseline ( 90-100) with diet and exercise. I doubt beta blockers have any significant lipid lowering effect compared to other well known drugs. If you are unable to get the HDL up, I would suggest you talk to your providers on other modalities to lower LDL. As it is, you are above the target desired  given your cardiac condition!.

Hope your EF improves in the due course! 

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You need to be re-booted each morning.

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My pacemaker was installed in 1998 and I have not felt better. The mental part is the toughest.