Hi all....posting after some very healthy years....i have had the flu twice in 3 months....worst in 15 years!!!...had been exercising well until i fell doctor now reckons i have CHF...i dont have any swelling or other CHF symptons.....just a wee chesty cough with sputum now an again....being asthmatic pretty normal for me....i do have some  PVC s that are quite annoying which i hadnt had for a long PM working well...i am going to book in with a cardio specialist to see whats cooking an do i have CHF... or is it just the end of my chest infection and i need to be more patient..? Had a blood test for kidneys all fine and two BNP BNP test was ever so slightly elevated..this suggests the CHF i am told....anyway just putting it out there and any thoughts welcome...? cheers Dave


Sounds more like ongoing infection

by Gemita - 2024-08-04 04:05:50

Hello Dave, there have been some really nasty viruses around, including Covid of course.  Reading your message sounds all too familiar.  Your flu symptoms, worse in 15 years even suggests to me that your illness may not have completely resolved and could be causing your symptoms, or certainly making you feel as though you have a worsening heart condition.

I am currently experiencing symptoms that suggest I have an ongoing chest infection and my doctor is treating me with a second course of antibiotics.  I have to say I feel better on antibiotics but as soon as I stop them, I get symptoms again.

With asthma you are no doubt prone to infections, so I would pop back to see your general doctor for some additional general checks too as well as seeing your cardiologist.  It sounds to me as though your flu symptoms may not have completely resolved and you might need additional investigations (perhaps chest imaging) in case a bacterial infection is causing your symptoms. 

Your PVCs won't be helping you to feel better and might even be the result of your ongoing illness, so the sooner a diagnosis can be made, the sooner treatment can be started.

Please let us know what your doctors find and advise.  I hope it isn't heart failure and that you will soon be feeling better

CHF Diagnosis

by Old male - 2024-08-04 11:50:30

Mine was detected 10 years ago when my Ejection Fraction was determined around 26%.  Normal is about twice that.

Having 2 prior heart attacks contributed along with arrhythmia causing Ventricular Tachycardia episodes.  

BNP tests

by Selwyn - 2024-08-04 12:04:51

A normal level of Brain Natriuretic Peptide will exclude heart failure as a diagnosis.

Raised levels are associated with heart failure . Also raised levels are caused by kidney failure or dialysis use, severe lung disease, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary artery disease, and atrial fibrillation.

Hardly diagnostic.  A slight raise of BNP after pneumonia or a chest infection is neither here nor there. It is certainly not diagnostic of heart failure.  Normal levels should be < 300 pg/ml. Possible heart failure 450+ ( if age >50), 900+ (if age 50-75), or 1800 + ( if age 75+).

An ejection fraction echocardiogram will establish the diagnosis of heart failure.

Chest infections and heart failure may have shortness of breath and cough as symptoms.

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