Quarterly Download, ectopic beats and Front Squats

Sorry for the economy of posts here, but I have a couple of quick questions:

1) On Monday I'll have my first remote download.  Will I notice this when its happening?

2)  On the exercise front, any particular opinons about doing barbell front squats? I'm a bit cautious  given the proximtry of some of the lead connections that I can palpate to the underside of my collar bone.

3) Since placement 10 weeks ago, I've experienced an "ectopic party" nightly anytime between 9pm and 10pm. Annoying, but no big issue.  The last week or so, I've not noticed any ectopic beats at all. (Okay, I know I just jinxed myself... *lol*).  Is this because my heart is getting used to the PM?  Mostly curious.

Thanks, as always!


Hi there

by Lavender - 2024-07-13 12:48:43

I get remote transmissions every six month alternating with my inperson clinic visits. I feel nothing when it is remotely done. It's done around two am for me as I sleep. I do have an app for my Boston Scientific Latitude monitor that tells me the date they will transmit and when the next date will be. 

I still get ectopics but less frequently once my heart got used to the pacemaker. 

Download upload?

by piglet22 - 2024-07-13 12:49:34

Question 1


Two types of communication.

Old style Near Field Communication (NFC), big heavy chest reader,  Bluetooth to base unit.

Newer style Bluetooth enabled pacemaker, Bluetooth to base unit, a lot more convenient.

Why download/upload?

Depends on the direction of data transmission though most are two direction in practice.

You download data from device and upload it to the base unit.

The base unit uploads to the data centre.

If new software or firmware could be sent from the data centre, you would be downloading.

It's Saturday afternoon and that's my take on it. Someone is bound to disagree. In any case, it's probably horizontal and doesn't matter.


by Tracey_E - 2024-07-13 12:55:45

1. Mine does it during the night and I never know it happened until I get an email from my ep

2. If the bar is putting pressure on your collar bone in front rack, and that is in turn putting pressure on your leads, then you might want to go lighter or switch to dumbbells. In theory, in front rack with proper form, the bar is not putting pressure on your collar bone. It's easier to keep proper form when going a big lighter.

3. It could be the heart getting used to being paced. Was your diet different? Caffeine and alcohol can cause an increase. 

Downloads and ectopics

by Gemita - 2024-07-13 16:36:30

Andie, cannot answer question 2, but let me try to answer question

1) I am very sensitive to automatic downloads and do feel them.  I used to have nightly downloads and would always become tachycardic while these were progressing.  However are you physically controlling the remote download, or does your clinic do it automatically?  If it is a one off say quarterly, I really don’t think you need to worry.  

3)  On the subject of ectopics, experiencing an ectopic party at night is so common as our heart rates naturally fall before sleep and the slowing of the heart rate is often a clear trigger for ectopics for many of us.  It is for me, although my pacemaker is set high at 70 bpm, which doesn’t give my heart rate chance to slow down, to allow ectopic beats in. 

You say you had no ectopics in the last week?  Perhaps your heart rates have been naturally higher in the last week due to higher levels of activity.  Perhaps you are more relaxed and getting more confident in your pacemaker and in your heart or your heart condition is settling down and getting used to steady pacing.  Perhaps your heart condition has changed, has worsened or got better, so many things could affect pacing and heart function including meds and lifestyle, but no ectopics is a good sign that your heart is doing better and is less irritated.  Long may it last for you.  

Night time Ectopy

by Rch - 2024-07-14 01:20:32


I am just wondering whether the night time ectopies you feel are automatic ventricular capture tests that pacemakers carry out daily as part of routine house keeping. My Boston Scientific Accolade does it every 21 hours! My device tech disabled it after about a year and a half! 

Please note down the exact timings and you might notice a pattern. They shouldn't last for more than a minute.

Thanks one and all!

by Andiek11 - 2024-07-14 12:23:44

I feel like I should be planning some sort of overnight party to mark my first upload (Piglett did I get that right??  *lol*) experience.  Yet one more mark on my journey. :)

Tracey E going light to make sure I can focus on form is an excellent reminder.  Thanks.  And I know that there are many alternatives for training the anterior chain that don't involve Barbell front squats if I feel that this is the best direction to do.

As for the Ectopic Parties (sorry, gotta name everything... *haha), now that i think of it I also wonder if this is my Hawthorn Extract kicking in.  I've been on it for about 25 days now so perhaps this in combo with my heart getting more used to the PM could account for this.  Genita. Lavender, and Rch you all make good points.  My activity levels have been up this past month but I'm most often a first thing in the morning work-out person; at night I'm a certifiable couch potato., However the "parties" were most often occuring the same time range every night - from 9pm to 10pm range.  Perhaps is was some type of auto testing that was occuring.  

Great mysteries and basis for questions when I see the cardiologist in a week.  

Happy Sunday to all and thanks again


by Blue63 - 2024-07-15 20:06:42

On the squat front, not quite the same but you might try a safety squat bar. Jacked up my shoulder a couple of years ago and have been using one ever since. Nice piece of equipment. Obviously not great if you're into Olympic-style lifting or competition powerlifting, but perfectly ok (in my view) for purposes of general strength work.

Smith Rack?

by Andiek11 - 2024-07-20 16:11:43

Blue63, I think you're referring to a Smith Rack (of what I know), that has safety stops you can adjust and guides so you cna only lift straight up and down.  Good thought.  Perhaps a way to have my cake and eat it too.  ;) n Thanks!


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