
My name is Tim and I had a Medtronic pacemaker inserted on February 20 for Congenital Progressive Heart Block. My mom has it and her mom had it. I have known since I had a heart block since I was 24 years old and am now 57. My cardiologist said I should ride my bicycle "as much as possible ". So that's what I have been doing.  My site itches like crazy and the seatbelt hurts. My pacemaker has needed some adjustments, but I feel great. Does anyone else have Congenital Progressive Heart Block?


Hi and welcome!

by Lavender - 2024-07-09 21:44:12

I too have complete heart block but not congenital. CHB can happen at any age but is termed congenital when it occurs in the fetus or newborn up to 28 days of life. 

I can't imagine being in my 20's and knowing that one day I would need a pacemaker. But with  your mom and grandma having it, you have a built in support group!

Some of us, including me, bought a fake sheep wool type seatbelt protector for our pacemaker. Walmart has them. I still use it and my pacemaker is over three years old. 

I don't know why your surgery site is itchy but it could still be healing. Your good report from your doctor should put your mind at ease, Tim. 


by Buzbuz9 - 2024-07-10 00:41:01

Hi Tim,

I'm Abi and though I don't have congenital heart block I do have complete heart block. Mine was caused by a surgical accident when I was a baby. I have had a pacemaker since I was 7 months old(now 24). Lavender already mentioned but highly recommend getting seat belt covers they are life savers. I got a cool matching set for my car on Amazon but I am sure you can find them many places in store and online. My scars can be itchy too, I try to keep them extra clean and use scar cream to help with it. It ussually gets better over time for me but some days can be worse than others. Glad your pacemaker is feeling/working great :)

Welcome to the club!



by Tracey_E - 2024-07-10 10:03:10

Hello! I have congenital heart block, but was born with complete heart block so mine was already "progressed". I'm 57 also, but got my first pacer at 27. I'm healthy and active, and no one looks at me and sees a heart patient. Glad you found us! Please ask away if you have questions. 

I asked a plastic surgeon about scars. She said keep it moisturized and out of the sun for the first year. She said she could sell me something expensive, but really, anything all natural will work. Aloe, vitamin e, cocoa butter, etc. Just make sure it doesn't have any extra ingredients in it.

They make pads for the seatbelts but I've heard of people simply using a washcloth or something else small and soft. 


by piglet22 - 2024-07-11 04:55:32

Nearly 20 years on and two scars later, it still itches.

The skin is very thin over the device and I understand they cut out the old scar last time which stretches it a bit more.

I must touch the site dozens of times a day and occasionally the luxury of a little scratch.

Worth pointing out out that UK resisted driving on the right unlike North America, Europe and many other countries.

This means the driver with a pacemaker has the seat belt crossing from right shoulder down to left hip and doesn't go near the device.

One of the advantages of being different, but the decision was made many decades before pacemakers.


Of course the passenger in UK gets the seat belt pressure but the driver is more likely to be the one stretching forward, looking over their shoulder etc.

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