Update on thread dated 2009-05-18 (!)

I am re-posting a new comment left by member “tuck3lin” yesterday on his old post from 2009, ref:   BY TUCK3LIN 2009-05-18  01:05:58 EXERCISE & SPORTS 1532 VIEWS 5 COMMENTS

It is good to hear from you tuck3lin. Congratulations on the arrival of your first grandchild.  Glad you are doing so well.  Gemita

by tuck3lin - 2024-06-23 21:38:32

It's 15 years later, and I thought I would look up some of my old posts and let people know I am still here. My log in still works!

I retired from running a couple of years ago, not because of anything pacemaker-related, but because I am now in my 60s (I'm 65) and my knee and hip started hurting (some arthritis), as well as some metatarsalgia in my foot. The perils of getting older.

Life has been good these last few years. The daughter who was my running buddy has gotten older, now married to the gold standard of son-in-laws, and still occasionally runs. The son-in-law, who I used to outrun when he first met my daughter in college, now runs 8:30 miles, and my daughter runs sub-10 minute miles. My other daughter blessed us with our first grandchild last fall. And, after 13 years, I had my pacemaker battery replaced in 2022.

About the only time I remember I have a pacemaker is when I go through the scanner at the airport. Otherwise, life pretty much what you would expect for someone in their mid-60s with all the pluses and minuses that entails.


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