MRI Conditioned/Compatible

My new Dr. at an Advanced Heart Failure clinic I was just referred to wants me to get a cardiac MRI done to see if they can figure out why I had such a quick slide into heart failure.  I received a message that my ICD was not MRI compatible and they moved up my video appointment to discuss the possible risks of doing it anyway.  I spoke with the Dr.'s nurse because my local cardio says his records show it is MRI compatible.  The nurse said it might be a case of the generator being compatible (or "conditioned" was the word she used) but the leads are not.

Has anyone heard of this?  Doesn't make sense to have the generator compatible but the leads not.  Has anyone had an MRI with uncertain compatibility?  I just got my ICD last September.


Not recent but

by atiras - 2024-06-18 15:33:16

I had an MRI compatible pacemaker implanted in 2018 with a non-MRI compatible lead. Beggared belief back then, and even so now.

I no longer have that pacemaker but the lead is still with me, unattached at both ends and probably ly not removable. So no MRI scans for me.

mri compliant

by Tracey_E - 2024-06-18 16:02:36

It could be a mistake

It could be that one of the pieces in the system is not officially mri compliant

Sometimes when you have parts that are different manufacturers, they consider the system to be non-compliant, even if all the parts individually are.

They've been safely doing MRI's on parts not labeled mri safe for more than 10 years. All parts are mri safe now, whether they are labeled that way or not. The challenge is getting the facility to do it because some of them are more strict about it than others, more worried about liability. I know people who have had multiple mri's with devices that are considerably older than yours, hardware installed before mri safe was a thing, and they had no issues. 

In your shoes, I would not be at all worried that you are at any more risk than someone with all of their hardware has the mri label. Your doctor may have to talk to the facility, but this sounds to me more like red tape than something where you'd be in danger.

Contact the manufacturer

by RioTeresa - 2024-06-18 21:48:52

Hi Gramzo,

I suggest contacting the manufacturer of your ICD’s patient care line. (Medtronic, Biotronic, Boston Scientific, St Jude, whatever). They should have all the information for your specific implant, as well as the leads (if you can give them the serial numbers). I’ve needed information on my pacemaker before that only Medtronic was able to provide. 

Best wishes with your situation. 

Teresa ❤️

Power level of MRI machine

by Daedalus - 2024-06-18 23:25:15

Most MRI machines are Tesla 1.5 and are usually compatible with our newer pacemakers and leads.  Some doctors ask for a clearer and stronger image and those require Tesla 3.0 machine.  PM might be compatible, but it's important to check if the leads are as well. 
Contact the manufacturer of your model PM and leads to check and also find out which strength machine they'll be using. 

MRI Compatibility

by Gramzo - 2024-07-22 22:05:51

Sorry so late in getting back.  It's been a very busy 5 weeks.

"Sometimes when you have parts that are different manufacturers, they consider the system to be non-compliant, even if all the parts individually are." - Tracey - exactly!

Here's what I now know.  My generator and 2 of my 3 leads are Medtronic.  All MRI compatible.  The lead to my left ventrical is a different brand because they needed to use a longer lead.  (I'm confused about that since the ICD is on my left side.)  That lead is also MRI compatible.  Both my cardiologists don't feel it's a big deal.  

When the nurse called to schedule the MRI she said they have had many people with "mixed parts" come through the MRI.  I have it 9/27.


MRI Compliant

by byt0saur - 2024-08-15 12:44:37

I have an MRI compliant ICD, but an old abandoned 20 year old lead prevents me from getting an MRI for my back. I have an upcoming device changeout, and I'm asking to get  it removed. One thing I don't understand is that I had a cardiac MRI but I can't have one for my lower back. 

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You always have something close to your heart.

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To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!