New pacemaker

I just had my pacemaker put in last Thursday and I go for my first follow up tomorrow. I'm glad because I feel like my chest is jumping all over the place inside. It leaves me feeling jittery and breathless, kind of nauseous. Anyone else experienced this?


Very early days

by piglet22 - 2024-06-18 04:54:02

Don't jump to any conclusions just yet.

Most people will soon settle down with their pre pacemaker condition corrected, but the psychological changes, dependency in particular, can take a while to adjust to 

Talk to your team. I'm sure they will be able to reassure you.


by Tracey_E - 2024-06-18 10:02:44

It takes some time to adjust to pacing. They send us home with a good guess, but we are all different so it's normal to need the settings fine tuned. 

If your rate was very low before, it's going to feel odd for a bit until you get used to your new, higher rate. 

Are you on pain meds? They cause me all sorts of problems.

Be sure to tell them at your appointment so they can make sure nothing unusual is going on. 

Hi and welcome

by Lavender - 2024-06-18 22:32:38

It's so new. Congratulations for finding us and being proactive in your journey 😉 I too have three sons-one in heaven and the other two on earth.  

When I first got my device three years ago, I thought I would never get used to it. They initially turned up my heart to 70 beats a minute. I was so used to a slow heartbeat that it made me anxious having it feel like I had a pot of coffee. 

They turn it up until the leads bed in. In one month, they turned it back to my present low of 60 Bpm. I was anxious for a few months as I mentally adjusted to having to rely on a pacemaker. Physically I recovered in seven months. I too experienced PVCs which are lots of extra type heartbeats. That too calmed down in time. 

I hope your cardio team reassured you at your wound check 😌 You are gonna be fine. Be patient and let yourself take time to physically and mentally heal. ❤️‍🩹

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