No stable threshold

Can anyone tell me what "No stable threshold found" would mean? I tried checking my manual but couldn't find anything on it..


Re: No stable threshold

by H van Dyk - 2024-06-13 16:02:06

I see you have a Biotronik pacemaker, but you did not enter the type. The manual I have has to do with the Edora 8 DR-T. Indeed there is nothing concerning the message you mention. However, the message is there for a reason. I am not going to speculate about that. Better check with your medical team. Better safe than sorry...

Edora 8

by Mae11 - 2024-06-13 17:41:10

I also have the Edora 8, so I'm happy to know I didn't just look over it! I have an appointment on the 26th and will ask about it then. This was shown on my last interrogation, but he didn't review it because he says "my pacemaker is boring". I think he just means that my other issues require more attention, but it's a little unsettling..

Thank you for the reply!


by Gemita - 2024-06-14 04:39:34

Mae, I think we know what threshold means and what no stable threshold found means, but what I don’t understand is what this statement actually means for you?  Are they trying to improve your symptoms by adjusting your threshold settings, for example. 

You could ask them what they have tried so far, what the significance of that statement is for you and why they cannot reach a stable threshold with either a fixed threshold setting or an automatic one?

Pacing threshold [measured in volts (V)] and pulse width [measured in milliseconds (ms)] is defined as the minimum amount of energy needed to capture the myocardial tissue electrically.  

The increase in output is different from threshold. While threshold is amount of energy it takes to make the heart contract, the output I believe is how much energy the device is delivering to accomplish this. If they set a fixed output they usually set it twice or three times the threshold.  Our threshold can change a little during the day and the safety margin will allow for any fluctuations.  

You could ask them whether your continuing health problem/meds for your inflammatory condition are causing threshold difficulties?  I know that electrolytes and metabolic abnormalities can adversely affect pacing threshold.  I also know from experience that some anti arrhythmic meds, in my case, Flecainide, can increase pacing threshold.  Of course other factors can affect threshold too, including pacing stimulation itself and autonomic factors.  So many possibilities, including perhaps a faulty lead or poor lead position.

I hope you will soon find some answers and relief from your symptoms Mae xx

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