2 lead pacemaker
- by StormeeG
- 2024-06-08 16:58:39
- General Posting
I had AV node ablation in 2021, and received a PM 2 weeks later. Due to the ablation, I'm Pacer Dependent. My cardiologist wants to replace my 2 lead PM with 3 leads....My ejection fraction is low and so is my blood pressure, with symptoms of heart failure.
Anyone else, pacer Dependent? I'm a little nervous to change out one PM for another, while being dependent on the pacemaker I have...
by AgentX86 - 2024-06-09 00:45:32
I had an AV ablation to stop the symptoms of Aflutter, a little over six years ago. I needed a pacemaker because of sinus pauses but went with the AV ablation at the same time because the symptoms of flutter weren't tolerable.
I have no atrial function (because of the flutter) so only have ventricular leads. So, while I don't have three leads, it's the first (atrial) lead that I'm missing. It's a CRT pacemaker, which is what they want you to have, though it sounds like you'll get one with an IED (CRT-D). I don't have HF, so have a CRT-P. I'm not sure why. I keep forgetting to ask but I think the LV lead is a backup, because I have no intrinsic rhythm.
Because I don't have any atrial function at all, I am pacemaker dependent. I also have to ventricular escape rhythm, my pacemaker is all there is.
Changing one pacemaker to another on dependent patients isn't a big deal. EPs/Cardiologists do it all the time. I asked my cardiologist about it. He said he just connected another pacemaker to the leads, unscrewed the spent one, screwed in the new one, and disconnected the temporary pacemaker. He said it was a ten minute job to actually change the unit. Of course, that's just the actual pacemaker part.
Don't worry. They've done this before. It's not a big deal.
Edit: Keep forgetting to speelsczech.
100% Paced
by Stache - 2024-06-09 00:50:32
I had a bad infection and my dual chamber 100% pacemaker had to be removed and I was hooked up to an external pacer during surgery. After all the infection was cut out and cleaned my original pager was reinplanted and switched back on. It's not a big deal your leads stay in and connected to an external pacer. I had general anesthesia was out for a couple of hours with no issues.
by Tracey_E - 2024-06-09 10:58:47
Many of us are dependent. Pacers are highly dependable state of the art computers, much more dependable than our wonky hearts. Try not to overthink it.
For the surgery itself, they will use either an external pacer (big sticky pads) or temporary (inserted through groin), so you will be paced for the entire procedure.
Dual lead to CRT
by Aberdeen - 2024-06-10 02:05:35
I had my dual lead pacemaker replaced by a CRT pacemaker 4 years ago . It seemed fairly straightforward and it was done under local anaesthesia. I am 100% paced.
Not long after my low EF 35? rose to between 55-60%.
Good luck - let us know how you get on!
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Hi with a hug
by Lavender - 2024-06-08 17:53:52
I'm a three lead CRT-P pacemaker dependent person. It improved my EF to normal in a short while.
They know how to fix you. Lots of folks graduated to three leads at some point. I started out there. It will be ok and you should feel much better if you're already having problems. ☮️