Just curious to see if taking ginger while being on blood thinners is ok to take. I love lemon and ginger in my tea and i've heard it does wonders for your digestion system and inflammation which i have.  thanks all



by new to pace.... - 2024-06-06 18:44:04

I suspect that it might not be a good idea to take while on blood thinners.  Do check with your doctor to make sure.

new to pace


by AgentX86 - 2024-06-06 20:24:22

I'd certainly ask my doctor.  Don't take anything unless they (all of them) know about it.  However, the amount of Ginger that you're taking (as a spice) it shouldn't be a problem.  It's only for flavor. If you were taking massive amounts of it for some medicinal purpose, yeah, i'd make sure it was OK before I used it. Any suppliments should be passed by your doctors but spices?

I'm taking turmeric at the direction of my cardiologist.  I know it's a pretty strong anticoagulant and I'm on Eliquis, so I asked him about it.  His response was "You don't think there are Indians have heart disease?". They use a lot of turmeric in their diet. (He's Indian, BTW). That was good enough for me.

I wouldn't worry too much about it but it's something to make your doctors aware of. I wouldn't go out of my way, or take their time outside of an office visit, to report it to them, either.

Again, it's the amount, not the compound.


thanks all

by athena123 - 2024-06-06 20:29:24

just a cup in the evening and good book

Drug Herb Interactions

by Figallegro - 2024-06-07 01:26:56

Here is a link from Memorial Sloan Kettering on herbs and drug interactikons. Ginger is not something to take when on an anticolgulant. Three months ago, I changed to a tumeric with ginger supplement each day but did not advise me doctor. I had a tricupid valve replaced April 2, 2024 and havebeen on Counmadin. I have been doing a weekly or biweekly blood test to make sure my INR and protime are within range. These results include being on ginger, but I cannot see a direct ginger correlation  as I did not doing any INR testing before ginger.

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