How is Triam 21

There has been a lively conversation on chat today, am with everyone wondering how you are. Can you give us an update.
Just wondering how you are? Billie


chat conversation

by abc123 - 2008-03-29 08:03:38

I am wondering and I am upset she is missing. I have a lot of things I want to ask.

T what is going on? I got your pic thanks but not much of a e-mail except the pic. The pic you posted here on the site I am unable to see. Get back to me by pm or home email!


by trlam21 - 2008-03-29 09:03:49

I am going to chat now

Wondering also...

by morgysmom - 2008-03-30 12:03:19

Hi, guys,

I am also wondering & worried about triam21!!! I couldn't find her on here last night or today....maybe I was just on at the wrong times, but, I'm still worried & wondering what's going on & if she had her surgery...

If anybody knows anything, please send me a pm or catch me on here...


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