ICD and returning to exercise

Hi Everyone

I am from Northern Ireland and have Long QT Type 1. I got a shiny new I.C.D in Nov '06 and I have been scared to return to any sort of proper exercise ever since. I was quite active before my diagnosis but after finding out that my heart condition is triggered by exercise has made me very wary. I have the usual fears of leads being pulled out and inappropriate shocks so my question is..... what sort of exercise do any of you guys do? I have started cycling and walking again, but would really like to return to the gym.
Thanks in advance for comments



by kyle0816 - 2007-08-09 02:08:36

I had an ICD put in back in April. I waited 6 weeks like my Dr. recommended (actually I waited 7) and got right back into my weight lifting routine. I now do bench press, shoulder presses and everything I used to do. I too was afraid at first but my Dr. told me he routed the leads in a way where they wouldn't get crushed by my collarbone when I lifted.
I also wear a heart monitor watch when I exercise. I have a strap that goes around my chest and it relays my heart rate in real time to my watch. I've gone well over the "limit" I'm supposed to stay under several times and have been fine. I think as long as you talk to your Dr. and maybe get a heart monitor to check your heart rate you should be in good shape. Good luck!


by bambi - 2007-08-09 11:08:14

Hi Wan,
Welcome to a great, supportive site for asking questions, sharing stories, and good advice! I'm sure your Dr. has given you either the go ahead to get active again, or has given you some precautions. If he/she has given the go ahead to get moving, there's that nagging doubt that something could go wrong. Your leads should be firmly secure now, so don't worry about that. Also, that wonderful new device you have will prevent a dangerous heart arrhythmia from occurring or get you back into a normal rhythm. That's what it's for. I think you would be doing yourself more good than harm in keeping yourself active both mentally as well as physically! Personally, I seem to have fewer issues with my pacemaker the more exercise I take than not! Good luck and stay in touch! There are many members here who have ICD's that can probably help you more.

You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.