Painful to the touch at implantation site

Good morning!  My son is 5 weeks post op, and 11 years old. His pacemaker is placed into the muscle tissue on his chest, so I get that it takes time to recover, but is it normal for the implantation site to still be sore to the touch after 5 weeks?  The skin is healed nicely, but if he just wipes his hand over the PM to wash the skin over the top it still feels tender. I'll check in with his doctor too but just like to get a sense of how other's have recovered too.




painful to touch

by new to pace.... - 2024-01-18 09:44:34

Yes, does take time for the pain to go away.  Just do not touch it often.  Do check with your doctor to make sure nothing else is going on.

  Would help us to answer some of your questions.  if you put in the make and model of his pace maker.  Where you are located.  Sometimes are answers are different where you live.

new to pace

Hi mom!

by Lavender - 2024-01-18 10:07:42

Your son is doing well. Good he has you watching over. In this case, it doesn't matter where you live or the model of pacemaker 😉

The site will be sore for a while, especially when placed deeper. It was a good idea to do that because he's going to be active and busy so keeping the device out of the way is a great idea. 

My pacemaker is deep and not visible but not under the muscle. Even so, it was sore and my arm on that side was sore too for a good while. At about the seven month mark, I realized that I no longer thought about the pacemaker or noticed it daily. Mine is almost three years old. Life is totally normal. 

My youngest grandchild is an 11 year old boy. He's always busy with sports and outdoor play. I think if he got a pacemaker, it might be quite an adjustment but he would be back riding bikes, and running around soon. 

You are a very good mom. You have been through a lot with your young man. It's going to be better now that he has a safety net. 💕

I experienced the same thing

by 23Skidoo - 2024-01-18 10:47:26

I experienced the same thing with my recently implanted ICD. I'm a petite person so there's not much tissue over the device, and the bulge just under my skin is quite visible. If your son's device is close to the surface like mine, that might explain why it's still feeling so tender. I'm 2.5 months out from the implantation, and now I don't experience any pain unless I something presses firmly against the device. I agree with Lavender. You're a great mom, and your son is so fortunate to have you watching out for him. 💜

Thank you

by KLMom - 2024-01-18 12:44:38

Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences and providing encouragement,  I really appreciate it! :)

You know you're wired when...

The mortgage on your device is more than your house.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.