Lump in the throat?

I'm on week 7 of having my pacemaker and recovery is going alright for the most part. The past 2 days though, my chest has been tight and I have a sensation I can only describe as a lump in my throat. It's right under my Adams Apple on the same horizontal as my collar bone. I felt fine for the past 3 weeks and this is new. I figure it might be normal so I thought asking around here would be a good idea before freaking out.

I have never had an ablation, I have no signs of any infection, currently not on any meds

35 yo male with a Biotronik Edora 8 DR-T (2 lead) for Vasovagal Syncope, reason for the condition is currently unknown other than Dysautonomia. 




by Tracey_E - 2024-01-07 15:07:52

Don't assume anything going on is from the pacer. It's easy to get tunnel vision and blame it for anything new. I would check with your primary. 

If you get a spot that feels hot to the touch, that could be a clot and should be seen immediately. 

Always seek medical care for new chest pain.

Re: Lump in the throat?

by H van Dyk - 2024-01-07 15:36:40

I have the same pacemaker and do not recognize the symptoms. Could be a touch of stress as a late reaction on your medical situation.
Would not harm to check with your medical team for advice.

Thank you.

by Shroselo - 2024-01-08 01:18:57

I contacted my doctor and the information I was given is as followed for anyone else experiencing the same sensation.


During normal circumstances the pacemaker would be threaded through the Auxiliary vein. But since they couldn't use it the Auxiliary they had to thread it through the Subclavian Artery. Since the artery runs so closely to the throat it is giving me the strange feeling due to shifting, Blood pressure and everyday "Stress". 

The Auxiliary artery still runs up the neck but not as close to the throat as the Subclavian. 

This is a paraphrased version of a 6 minute explanation but the conclusion was simply because which Vein/Artery was used for the procedure and not because of the device itself. I shouldn't have to worry about this sensation after a few months time. Once my body adjusts to the pacemaker I should barely notice it at all. 

Another disclaimer: Both Words Artery/Vein were used and I'm not a doctor. It may be Subclavian Vein and not Artery, he lost me a few times explaining in big brain medical terms. 


by Tracey_E - 2024-01-08 10:28:22

Arteries go Away from the heart. Veins go into the heart. Leads are in veins. 

Glad to hear you got a good explanation. I hope the feeling goes away as you heal. 

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