Private message notifications

Morning everyone

I really must apologise to all those who have sent private messages recently and wondering why I haven't answered.

Quite simply I never had any notifications.

I was also wondering why I hadn't heard from people.

I used to rely on the email notifications of private messages but I won't any more.

I haven't been fully well the last week with a heavy cold so haven't been looking into the message section as much as usual.

The forum reply notifications disappeared months ago, but this latest glitch is rather more serious and the web administrators need to get this sorted before trust in the forum disappears.

As I noted before, this is not the only forum where notifications have dropped off.

I certainly haven't changed any settings 

Like a lot of things in life, organisations make changes thinking that they are improving things where in fact they make it worse. It also says something about the thoroughness of testing before releasing.

So that's Saturday morning sorted on what is a thoroughly miserable rain soaked UK typical December day.



by Gemita - 2023-12-09 06:02:55

Hello Piglet, yes it is truly awful weather out there, isn't it and logging on to a site that isn't functioning properly, doesn't make us feel any better, does it? 

I will continue to do everything I can as a moderator to help to get this site functioning again.  I just wish we received the occasional feedback on how things are progressing?  That might help.  

I have found ways to overcome some of the technical difficulties I have encountered by making some changes in the way I "personally" do things, but you are right, we might lose some members over this.  Several have written to me from other platforms telling me they have stopped trying to log on because the site no longer appears "secure".  I have no answers for them.

Stay with us and I hope you will feel better soon.

this site

by new to pace.... - 2023-12-09 06:22:02

I too still do not receive any notifactions that i have new comments posted to my query.  Nor private messages.  by now that should all be corrected.  Wonder if these will start back up.  Keep waiting for the spell check to reappear.

I have a  "lock symbol" in the subject line that to " , when i roll my mouse over it says this site is secure.  I am using my desktop monitor.  Wonder if this is because my system is old Windows 10, search engine Chrome. 

i too hope you get better , along with your weather.

new to pace


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