
Hey all, just wanted to come on here and ask if anyone, (particularly from the U.S.) was going to be celebrating Halloween. If so are you going to wear a costume? I'm aware this club is more of an older crowd, but just thought I'd ask. The holiday is less than 2 weeks away, and I have no idea what i'm dressing up as.



by skigrl3 - 2023-10-19 11:02:06

Hopefully yes. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Usually I wear my old Girl Scout uniform from elementary school and no one even suspects there is a pacemaker under there!  (Dress still fits, even though I am old!) 

Enjoy your Halloween!

"Resistance is futile."

by Gotrhythm - 2023-10-19 14:23:48

I hadn't really thought about Halloween costumes in relation to having/using a pacemaker.

But if one were going to reference one's battery powered heart, the character costume that comes to mind is the getup worn by Capt Picard of the Starship Enterprise when he had been captured and assimilated by the 'Borg.

I don't know where you would find a mask with the telescopic eyepiece and other metallic prostheses stuck here and there, but I'm sure they exist. It would be kind of fun, if redundant, to dress up like a cyborg for Halloween.


by new to pace.... - 2023-10-19 17:18:00

What did you dress up in before your pacemaker?

new to pace

You know you're wired when...

You have a dymo-powered bike.

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I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!