Hi PM Pals

It is a lovely sunny day here in Tasmania. My dog is happy and Brian's eye condition seems to be improving, my depression is lifting. We all have so much to cope with. When you recieve a PM it is such a shock. It is like you are clutching at straws for confidence and support. Let us all support and love one another. It would be a very boring world if we were all alike - like clones. This site is my lifeline to the world. I log on twice a day. I am so thankful to Blake for all his hard work. I am thankful to all members for their input. Each of us have different things on our minds. We should accept each other as we are warts and all. Take care have a nice day/week. We don't want to see any member lose touch with us, do we? Well I don't. It is so horrible to feel unwanted and hurt and feel bad about something. None of us would do anything to deliberately hurt each other. Just as sometimes we can take things the wrong way and then look back and wonder why we got upset at the time.

Love and thanks to you all Billie



Friends forever!!

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2008-01-20 07:01:07

Well said Billie.We have formed a great friendship through this club . I know that I wouldnt be feeling as happy as I do now.
Everyday at supermarkets,workplaces,family gatherings and everywhere that people get together something can be said that someone takes the wrong way.The best way is to take a deep breath ,Wake up the next day and laugh about it as it possibly wasnt as bad as we first thought!!!

Have a great day everyday and Keep happy everyone!!

Lots of love from Kay


by Jack - 2008-01-20 08:01:11

From Texas to Tasmania. I'm with you and your letter. Keep it up.

you are so right

by jessie - 2008-01-22 02:01:53

i believe this is so true. we need to be all of us more accepting and grown up and get rid of the pettiness on this site and stick to positive and good discussions on health. i am so happy to know so many wonderful people that keep my spirits up take care everyone jessie


by Blueaustralia - 2008-01-23 01:01:15

To all my pm friends who share my life - thankyou. You bring me so much happiness. Thank you for listening, thankyou for even being interested in my life. I sure appreciate sharing your lives. True friends for ever warts and all. LOL at that!!

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