Recovery and experience

Hi guys I just wanted to share Ammy experience and also ask for advice. 

I've just today got out of St Barts Hospital having a new pacemaker. 
im 50 and on my 4th pacemaker. 

when I went in it was supposed to be a routine box change but the couldn't find a decent pocket for it without moving it to a new location which I didn't want. So this time they have put it under the muscle on my chest which is ALLOT more painful than a regular box swap, I also had to have general anesthetic. 

I must admit I'm very very very disappointed in the system. Within 3 hours of surgery I was told I have to vacate the bed in a few hours ready for the next persons. if it would have been a normal box change I don't usually feel much pain more just a little sor3. But this thing was in serious pain and Al they would give me was paracetamol. I refused to leave because I couldn't get out of bed without screamin. Then 4 am the nurse comes in and tells me I have to leave by 6am. So they gave me 2 50mg paracetamol and put me in a wheel chair and left me in a room for hours on my own not even checking me while I waited for there hospital taxi. The roads in london can be bumpy I felt every bump and was screaming so loud he stopped a few times. I'm now in bed resting finally and have a friend here helping out. 

my questions are how long should I stay in bed I feel like I need a few days at least. Should I sit up or lay down or both ? I'm moving the arm and should every few hours so it doesn't go stiff... any suggestions ? 







by Lavender - 2023-06-29 18:45:04

Sorry you've had such an exhausting, painful time of it!  I don't think you should stay in bed too much or you will get other problems like back pain etc. These days even while in the hospital, they get you up and moving. 


by Penguin - 2023-06-30 07:06:53

Not good! 

I have no specific knowledge or advice to impart to you but can totally believe that you are in pain and am amazed that you didn't receive any aftercare instructions on discharge. 

I would ring the ward that you were discharged from for much needed aftercare advice or your GP.  If neither of these bear any fruit I'd ring 111 and ask them to get in touch with the ward or your GP on your behalf. 

I'm really sorry to hear that this has been such a distressing experience.


by Maker - 2023-06-30 10:54:51

Pain reducing today and I'm out of bed finally thanks for the replies il post back up when I'm fixed thank you for your feedback 


by Lavender - 2023-06-30 11:25:18

Glad you're a bit better and out of bed. Several others here have sub pec implants of their pacemaker devices. Sometimes I wish mine was buried like that. Mine is not sticking up but not that deep. I know it's a longer harder recovery when put under the muscle, but hopefully your end result will be great!


by Tracey_E - 2023-07-01 10:04:10

It's best to be moving about. Staying in bed will only make it worse. Are you icing? I found that helped more than pain meds. Mine is under muscle and I've had multiple box changes also. 

You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

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We are very lucky to have these devices.