Weight loss with new pacemaker

I received a 3 lead ICD with defibulator for heart failure on April 4, 2023. When I was discharged from hospital, I was told to log my blood pressure and weight daily and to alert them if I GAINED more than 5 pounds a week! They said nothing about weight loss.  Weight loss has always been difficult for me. I was 196 when defibulator was implanted on 4/5/23.  I've noticed a slow but steady weight loss since my defibulator was implanted. I now weigh 189. I really haven't been trying to lose weight! I'm eating the same amount ias before the implant.  Have any of you experienced this? Is this healthy or should I alert my doctor? 


Weight loss

by Good Dog - 2023-06-23 08:53:49

While it is impossible to know with absolute certainty, it is highly unlikely that a 7 pound loss since April has anything to do with your PM/ICD. There could be multiple reasons for it including the possibility you were retaining water with your cardiomyopathy and now you are not. That is a very good thing. I am not saying that is the case, because I just cannot know for sure. However, that is the most likely reason. Frankly, that is not a lot of weight to lose over 2+ months. I would not be concerned at all, but just contine to monitor your weight to see if it continues or stabilizes. Since your implant you should be  feeling much better and likely are getting around more and burning more calories than before the implant. That is the most likely explanation. That is a good thing.

The reason they wanted you to report a weight "gain" is, because it could indicate heart failure worsening and you would be retaining water. That is obviously not the case. A weight loss is not concerning unless it is significant and continues over a longer period of time. If your concern remains, you can and should simply ask your doc.

Sounds like you are doing well.

I wish you the best!



Weight loss

by Selwyn - 2023-06-23 12:27:50

As your heart performance improves, with 3 lead pacing, so does your kidney function and you loose fluid, and therefore weight. 

This is a healthy sign.

Just keep an eye on your weight  - it should plateau out and then remain static. Perhaps another month? If it continues to fall you will need medical help.


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I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.