Svt? Still or different 🤔

If you follow my Questions here , I'm getting concerned  those episodes of svt or extra beat or could it be the coffee I drink ? So today I was driving and felt that episode of a few seconds around 5 seconds I felt like a fluttering but I felt literally for that whole time I felt every beat but felt like it was getting slower n slower I got scared what is it ? 



by Penguin - 2023-02-28 06:16:25

Coffee can cause SVTs. You could try stopping for a week or two and see if there's any improvement perhaps? 

Short lived episodes of SVT may show up on your device.  Although it's difficult to do when driving, perhaps take a note of the time and date of your episodes and write down any symptoms. You could then check them with your pacing clinic.  Keeping a diary might help. 


oh yes

by Tracey_E - 2023-02-28 09:59:57

Caffeine is a lot more powerful than you think. I'll forever be jealous of the people who can chug a pot of coffee and feel fine. One cup and I'm racy and shaky.

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