Abdominal pacemaker

Does anyone know a Dr. in the area of Florida  that would move a pacemaker from the left chest area to the abdomen. I am having lots of location pain and headaches whenever I use my left arm. My electrophysiologist says he does not implant them in the abdomen. 

I'm a 52 year old very active male, I've had a pacemaker since I was 7 yrs old due to heart block from open heart surgery to correct Tetrology of Falot. My first 2 pacemakers were in my abdomen and I had no pain and no issues, my 3rd was in my upper left chest area and had no issues, but my 4th and 5th have been in my upper left chest area and have caused lots of pain and headaches. My active life and job have suffered greatly. I've asked a couple of Dr.s in my area of South Florida and none are willing to move it.

Please any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in Advance



by Lavender - 2022-08-19 10:07:04

I've read that abdominally placed pacemakers are more common in children. You might want to contact your local children's hospital for the names of their EPs. That trail might lead to finding one who places them this way in adults. 

I do think it might be difficult finding a doctor willing to move a pacemaker that's working well. Perhaps seeing a physical therapist familiar with pacemaker issues might help?

Moving PM will probably involve new leads

by crustyg - 2022-08-19 12:35:01

It's relatively easy to place a PM in the abdomen in a child, but more difficult in adults because the leads need to be a lot longer.  I suspect that moving your PM now will require a replacement of your leads just to reach all the way down.

adult congenital

by Tracey_E - 2022-08-22 13:09:30

Have you tried an adult congenital practice? They see a lot more active patients and long term paced than the average cardiology practice.  I'm in Florida also. I originally just went for a consult because I love my cardiologist, but the care was night and day so I switched to the more specialized care. Messaging you with details. 

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As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.