Here we go again

Just returned from my post-surgery staple removal and PM check.

And much to my disappointment I’ll be returning to the OR in the morning for a redo.

Seems that that either one of the leads or the pacer itself is not working, good grief!


Not to worry

by Good Dog - 2022-04-07 16:44:58

I certainly understand how you feel. The same thing happened to me back in the 1990's. I was freaking-out when they told me I needed a re-do. My new lead moved and it needed to be re-positioned. I thought I was done for another 8-9 years. Not so much! I was scared to death and just dreaded the thought of going back. My knees were knocking I was so shook about it. They gave me something to relax me when I went in, and well, it turned-out to be a breeze. So when it was over, I felt a bit foolish.

Most likely that is all you have here. Try to just relax and roll with the punches. It will all work out O.K.

I wish you the best,


Sorry you are having problems

by Aberdeen - 2022-04-07 16:56:06

I understand how you feel! I am having my CRT pacemaker replaced due to leads failing in less than 2 years.

Good luck!


Not to worry

by sandsave - 2022-04-07 16:58:32

Thank you Good Dog 

I really appreciate it.


by Julros - 2022-04-07 19:52:09

Ugh, that must be so disappointing!  I have nothing to add, other than good wishes and speedy recovery! 

Lead repositioning

by cindyw4 - 2022-04-08 11:36:58

I am having a second surgery next week after just two months of a new pacemaker being implanted. I was so careful during the recovery time so not sure what happened,. Hope this time will work.  

Second surgery

by AgentX86 - 2022-04-09 00:37:39


It's highly unlikely that you did anything.  Sometimes a lead isn't implanted correctly or it's put in a place that's weak.  It just falls out. The purpose of the movement restrictions is more to make sure the wound heals than keeping the leads from pulling out.  It's critical that the wound heals over as quickly as possible.  As long as it's an open wound, there is a possibility of infection and infections are deadly serious. It's important that the wound isn't disturbed.

Here we go again

by sandsave - 2022-04-18 18:20:58

Here’s an update to my original post:

I received my PM on March 29th went back to the doctor on the 7th of April to get the staples removed and have the PM interrogated. I knew by monitoring my average resting heart rate on my apple watch, which got all of this started in the first place, that I had a problem, but really thought they would make a couple of changes in the program and off I’d go. The cardiologist and PM tech rolled their eyes at my apple watch diagnoses, but once they started reading the data and speaking in whispers back and forth, he turned and said, “we see this vary rarely, but we have to go back in”. I’m not going to lie that was hard to hear, and the next morning I was back in the OR.

As I understand it, the leads have a bit of steroid on them to help them to “scar in” and mine apparently scarred to much to quicly preventing the sensor from picking up the needed information to provide pacing, he moved the sensing lead over a bit and stitched me up.

I just got back from the doctor and the interrogation went perfectly and as for now all is well. I will say this, the second go around, as Dave mentioned in his reply was much easier than the first, not nearly as much pain. So thanks again Dave for sharring your experience as it did bring me some comfort.


You know you're wired when...

You have a maintenance schedule just like your car.

Member Quotes

I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.