
Dear all,
Last week I saw an Internist (Gastro Hepatology) and he diagnosized me that I have GERD (Reflux) and now take some medicines (prosogan FD 15mg and Braxidin 150Mg). Beside that I also suspected to have Fibro mialgia. It attacks me suddently and my muscle arround middle chest feeling hurt. This dease occur when we are under stress (physically/mentally) or expose to cold air such as AC. He suggested to do Fisioteraphy since no medicine available (except just pain killer).

Anyone has same experiance with the above?

Warm regards,



by bobad - 2008-11-25 06:11:39

I have "fibromyalgia". Many doctors are now characterizing FM as a symptom of a disease or disorder, not a disease in itself. That makes sense to me, but what causes FM? Millions of people wish they knew!

It's not a good idea to take pain killers of any type for FM. Long term, the medicine does more harm than the FM.

GERD is usually caused by a crowded stomach. Most GERD sufferers have large, taut tummies. Losing 20 pounds and eating smaller quantities at a sitting can usually cure GERD, it certainly workes for me.


by Pookie - 2008-11-25 09:11:33

There is a new drug on the market called Lyrica that is good for Fibro. Another good drug is Gabapentin, but Gabapentin will make you gain weight. I didn't know that Fibromyalgia "attacks"...mine is always just there. Accupuncture is another option for treatment and yes, physiotherapy is a good thing too.

I also have GERD...I take Prevacid for it. There are lots of drugs for that on the market. You will find one that works for you. I find that some of my daily medications make my GERD worse, and I've learned to always take meds on a full stomach unless otherwise stated. Some foods make GERD worse too...

good luck and keep us posted


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