Sudden soreness

Hey Everybody,
I got my PM installed on June 27th and really haven't had to many issues with it. However in the past few days I noticed some minor aches and pains around the PM site and also under my armpit and shoulder. It is not constant, but it feel almost like a sore muscle and sometimes a quick sharp pain.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am nervous that maybe one of my leads came loose, please help if you have had a similar situation.



by dward - 2007-10-04 11:10:22

Hello Bini,
I had mine installed in May this year and I also get some pain around the PM site and around to my left, under my arm.

They will be able to tell you if your leads have come loose, but I have heard others mention the same type of pain as you describe.

As manu people here have said, if you really think something's not right, then talk to your Doctor or your PM Technician.

By the way, I also went through an incredible "itchy" period at the inscision site too, but it has now gone away.

D. Ward


by hooimom - 2007-10-04 11:10:38

Hi Bini,

Have you been lifting anything lately? It doesn't even have to be something terribly heavy. My PM site and shoulder get sore almost everytime I lift, especially if I lift over my head.


Sudden Soreness

by 220 chandler ave - 2007-10-05 09:10:17

Hi Bini
I had a PM implanted four months ago,and have developed soreness in my left shoulder at times wakes me up at night. I have been taking Physical Theapy which has helped some. They say I have impingement of the rotator cuff and will eventually get betteer. Icing does help along with Tylenol when needed. If you have questions, talk to you GP.

Sharon B

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