
I am about to start jaurdiance in addition to my many other HF meds.  I am not diabetic and have HFrEF.  Has anyone taken this medication for HFrEF that was not diabetic?  If you have did it improve how you felt? We're there side effects? And what "reasoning" did your doctor give you for starting the medication (if they gave you one)?


Thanks ar_vin

by asully - 2021-03-24 14:19:52

I know I have read some newer studies talking about sglt-2 inhibitors in the past.  I also know right now they are trying to get FDA approval for use in non-diabetic patients (I believe they are under some kind of testing liscence, I get all confused with the FDA stuff).  I should go back and re-read all the information.  From my quick 5 min information scan yesterday it seems the main benefit seems to be in protecting the kidneys from any or further damage due to reduced cardiac output?  I am going off memory which is why I posed that as a question, and I have a shit memory.

Ah checked out wiki: deactivation of raas!

by asully - 2021-03-24 14:24:10

Makes since now.  Damn the RAAS system lol, 3 out of 5 of my meds are an attempt to slow down the RAAS feedback loop.  I guess I am at the hit it with everything they got in the Arsenal phase lol.

Type 2 diabetic

by EdH - 2021-03-24 15:01:56

I keep this note in my wallet as a reminder "Greatest Killers, Inflamation, SUGAR".

                                                                    "Greatest Healers, Diet, exercise".

I followed this rule for 6 months and lowered my A1c from pre-diabetic to normal a1c.


by EdH - 2021-03-24 15:06:26

Read canned food labels for sugar content, most canned food has added sugar.

EdH-I think you misread my post

by asully - 2021-03-24 16:26:56

Thank you for the response!  I think you might have thought I was diabetic, which I am not and never have been.  That is why I put the post up, because so far jaurdiance has been mostly used in diabetics and only more recently there have been trials in non-diabetic HFrEF patients and I was curious if anyone who is non-diabetic has seen results with jaurdiance.  But as a fitness and nutrition guru I agree with you on the sugar thing, especially for diabetics.  Non-diabetics like myself with the same metabolism as me need carbohydrates, but simple carbohydrates are generally not good.  Complex carbs in the right amount for your body type and in the right ratios to your other macros and micros is the way to go.

FDA stuff

by AgentX86 - 2021-03-24 17:56:07

Once a drug is approved by the FDA, doctors may use it to treat conditions other than for which it was approved if there is no other available or all others have been tried.  That was the big stink about Hydoxychloroquin last year.  According to FDA regulations, doctors could prescribe it but politics took over.

Got news today my insurance doesn’t want to cover it

by asully - 2021-03-24 20:45:05

I am guessing it's because it's "off label" use in my case.  Sent an email to the doctor to see if he can get insurance to approve it.

To Asully

by EdH - 2021-03-25 00:35:26

Asully, I did misread your post, please accept my appologies.


Manufacturer's Discount Card?

by Marybird - 2021-03-25 06:00:15

Hi Asully,

You're probably already aware of this, but you might be able to find and use a manufacturer's discount card to knock some bucks off the cost of the Jardiance if your insurance company won't cover it. I think I've seen included in their TV ads for this medication the " If you can't afford your medication...." schpiel, so they most likely have a customer/ patient assistance program for the medication. It's worth a look, anyway, and your doctor may be aware of such assistance as well. 

Good Rx is out there too- not so sure how much discount they offer, but I was checking out Single Care as well, and it looks as though they have a decent discount program. 

Good luck!


Thanks Mary!

by asully - 2021-03-25 13:23:02

My doctor did give me a discount card but the medication is still VERY expensive, and the card is only good for the first month I believe.  I think I may hit the company's website and see what discounts they offer!

VERY expensive

by AgentX86 - 2021-03-25 16:05:40

Check the card again. I looked at it very quickly but didn't see that. My Eliquis was over $1400 for three months. After my insurance it's $120. With the card, I think it's $30. Unfortunately the card isn't good for any government insurance (not good with Medicare or Medicade). That's going to hurt.

Jardiance Card

by Marybird - 2021-03-26 15:05:06

I checked out the Jardiance website, and see they have patient assistance in the form of a card the patient signs up for. The site says signing up for the card allows the person to get a prescription for 1-3 months for $10, and discounts on the prescriptions ( probably will cost much more than $10/ month) after that, and the card can be renewed annually if the person continues to meet the qualifications.

You can sign up for the card online, starting by answering qualification questions, ie, age range, prescription drug coverage from a private entity NOT paid at least partly by Medicare/Medicaid/Tricare ( ie, government sponsored insurance), and you go from there. 

I'd think the $10 copay for a 1-3 months would allow a person who's starting on Jardiance time to evaluate how well the med is working for them and if they will be able to continue taking it before they sink a lot of bucks into the medication.

I don't know if this discount works with the person's insurance- sometimes they do and the discount/ copay amount depends on how much the insurance pays. My daughter ran into this with Corlanor ( ivrabidine) and another med she currently takes ( can't recall what it is). In this case the drug tends to be the priciest at the beginning of the calendar year before prescription drug deductibles are met, and less expensive as the year goes by.

It may very well be that Asully's insurance declined covering Jardiance because they are requiring a preauthorization to do so. Insurance companies do this often before they approve prescriptions for new meds, very expensive meds, meds to be used for off- label purposes, or sometimes just because....... Preauthorizations involve the doctor/ office staff jumping through the hoops, filling out forms, ccasionally a peer to peer review, or, exceedingly rarely, a phone call to the insurance company with the pertinent patient information. In any case, the docs, or office staff do many preauthorizations, they knoa what to do so that phone call to the office informing them your insurance has denied coverage for the drug should get the ball rolling if the doc really wants you to take that medication.

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But I think it will make me feel a lot better. My stamina to walk is already better, even right after surgery. They had me walk all around the floor before they would release me. I did so without being exhausted and winded the way I had been.