update from Chicken 1000

Hi everyone. I'm now an official member of the pacemaker club, supposedly sporting the Rolls Royce of pacemakers (hopefully not the cost of a Rolls Royce). :)
The surgery went well but I am very sore, which my doctor says is due to all of the weight training I've been doing in the last 6 months. The muscles were very tight and had to be split and stretched to insert the pacemaker. OUCH! Thank God for Darvocet. :)
Thanks to everyone for the bra advice (I bought a strapless before my surgery and I've definitely needed it). Thanks for your thoughts and prayers as well, it's nice to know that there are people out there who have gone through the same thing.
To any future pacemaker patients -- wax your armpits before surgery, because shaving is a real challenge when you can only raise your arm to shoulder level!
A couple of questions:
How long does it take to get used to the feel of the pacemaker kicking in?
Does anyone feel like their stomach is gurgling/rumbling when their pacemaker is working?


P.S. My doctor said that I had the slowest conduction he's ever seen. I was only conducting one out of three heartbeats. No wonder I felt so awful!


Welcome to the club

by admin - 2007-06-28 10:06:54


The armpit suggestion is great. Within a few days you should get use to the feeling of your heart beating stronger (i.e. pacemaker kicking in).


wait a minute....

by valerie - 2007-06-29 04:06:29

you mean people shave their armpits instead of letting it grow and braid it?

I'm glad your surgery went well. Given that you just had your surgery, the soreness can be expected, but if it doesn't go away, you should make an appointment with your doc to see whats causing the pain.

I also had my pacemaker placed under the muscle, and the doctors said that it was a bit tough to get through (since our muscles are tighter than older individuals). He said that it is this way for most young patients who have the PM under the muscle (as your doctor mentioned).
As for the "stomach gurgling/rumbling"....
Gurgling: no.
Rumbling: yes.
haha. Anyway, I haven't felt that sensation. Perhaps you can call the office for a quick answer, just to give you peace of mind.
Then again, maybe you're hungry lol jk

Please keep us posted Jenn, and welcome :)
take care,

Who shaves?

by carismendez - 2007-06-29 10:06:21

Um I have not been lifting that left arm very high anyways, so nobody's gonna see the hair, so what the heck... I just haven't shaved it... it's too hard to shave an L-shaped armpit... I know what you mean though it's gross (I'm 24 and had been used to shaving everyday so 4 weeks is gonna be traumatic)... lololol

You know you're wired when...

Your favorite poem is “Ode to a Cardiac Node”.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker when I was 11. I never once thought I wasn't a 'normal kid' nor was I ever treated differently because of it. I could do everything all my friends were doing; I just happened to have a battery attached to my heart to help it work.