Is CRT D classed as "emergency" treatment as I am booked to have one in 3 weeks but with all that's happening with covid I am hearing non emergency treatment is being cancelled in most hospitals.


Elective surgery

by Gemita - 2021-01-02 09:02:48


Emergency surgery would essentially mean (immediate surgery required).  Therefore I would say yours would be termed "Elective Surgery" as you have been waiting for some weeks already and it is still 3 weeks away.  However, getting the procedure would depend on your hospital and how busy they are with Covid patients.  There is nothing that any of us can do but wait to see what the situation is in a few weeks time when we might have a clearer picture.  

It could be that your surgery will go ahead because you need a CRT-D (cardiac resynchronization therapy - defibrillator) which would be more urgent than a requirement for a CRT-P (cardiac resynchronization therapy - pacemaker) but your doctors would no doubt have to review your records to determine your level of urgency should your hospital have a bed shortage.  I would tend to think like you that a defibrillator should mean urgent and it may well be the case for you.

I would keep speaking to your Admissions team/EP if you are having worrying symptoms to help keep you on the urgent list.  Good luck.  I know worrying times Sandoval


by AgentX86 - 2021-01-02 13:56:55

Only your doctors can balance your needs for a CRT-D outweigh any safety concerns with the surgery.  I don't know how it is in the UK but here in the US, hospitals are about the safest place to be, particularly for things like heart electrical problems.  Covid wings are well isolated from other areas (particulalry coronary care) with separate air handling. 

I wouldn't say that someone needing a CRT-D would be a higher priority than a CRT-P, knowing nothing else about the two.  Tachy/Brady with asystoles and CHB are up there on the list.  The fact that they've scheduled you out so far is an indicator that they don't think your risk is very high.


by sandoval - 2021-01-02 14:22:23

I got copied in on a letter to my doc from the cardiologist after an mri scan 3 weeks ago saying my EF is now 15% (was 30%) and I'm at risk of V/F or V/T. Before the letter I wasn't in much of a rush but after the letter I'm more anxious.

Well that answers your question Sandoval

by Gemita - 2021-01-02 14:38:01

I honestly believe you will get that CRT-D as planned.  You have clear evidence of a risk of VFib/VTach and I am sure your EP/Cardiologist wants to get your device in as quickly as possible to protect you.  Hopefully your EF will increase steadily with cardiac resynchronization therapy.  Please take care


by Terry - 2021-01-02 16:27:46

More and more EPs are using His bundle pacing for CRTD. Sometimes for the 30% of patients whom are "non-responders." Google His pacing.


by sandoval - 2021-01-03 12:28:51

Gemita - I don't think I've answered my own question. I put the question up, wondering if anyone had their crt d postponed due to covid re: bed shortages. I'm going with glass half full instead of empty so far.

With EF that low it should be a go.

by asully - 2021-01-03 12:34:04

I am not a doctor nor a hospital administrator but with an EF that low you are at super high risk of having sever issues if you do not get the CRT-D, emphasis on the "D".  It all depends on the hospital you are going through but I would think they would not count it as elective in your case, as it is a necessary life support device.

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