Young People

Hello! I'm Eva and I got my first pacemaker fitted when i was 11, I'm now 22 and have recently had my first replacement surgery. I realised i have never met another person with a pacemaker and I am wondering if there are any other young people on this forum who would like to chat/ exchange stories. Nothing against older people, i'd just love to meet someone around my age who has similar experiences! Bonus points if you live in Scotland :)


Young at heart

by Selwyn - 2020-10-27 16:26:14

Hi Eva, welcome to the club.

I would try to use the upper right search facility ( Try 'Young') . You will find any number of people you could use this club to send a personal message to, rather than wait for a response.

They also suggest : which is a facebook site for younger folk with pacemakers.

Hope this helps your communication whether it is in wee bonny Scotland or not. 



scroll up :o)

by Tracey_E - 2020-10-28 09:42:48

Hayden just posted, he's 16. 

This is a facebook page for younger paced patients.

I was diagnosed as a kid but never met anyone else with my condition (heart block) or paced that wasn't retired until I was past 40. Yay internet. I hope you make some friends your age who are dealing with the same thing. It makes a big difference. 

Young one

by Pinkit94 - 2020-10-31 21:58:04

I was 22 years old (I am now 26) when I received my first ICD/pacemaker, I'm now on to my second one(I broke the leads of the first one).  

Not as young as you...

by asully - 2020-10-31 23:29:30

34, first pacemaker at age 29. In the US though.

27 here

by MandaPanda - 2020-11-07 04:46:03

Hey I'm 27 and just got mine :)


by Buzbuz9 - 2020-11-10 21:31:57

Hey Eva, my name is Abi.

I got my first pacemaker when I was seven months old and now I am 21. I am currently on my 5th pacemaker and have never met anyone young irl that has a pacemaker either. Feel free to shoot me a message if you want to chat, I don't come on here all the time but I try to check back now and again. :) I live in the USA, but always love making new friends. 

Thanks for your responses

by eva_rb - 2020-11-12 21:59:22

Thanks for your responses! I will certainly check out that fb page. I don't come on here all the time either but would love to chat to you guys sometime when i am and talk about our experiences! feel free to give me a message :D 

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