Hi Billie

maybe I should have read your post about the lamb ,it must sound horrible about me eating my lamb one day, sorry about that but as I sit here writing this I can't stop laughing, my sister who took care of my Mum this last weekend also had to feed the lamb and was not impressed when it was ready she could come for tea, she said I'm not eating that lamb. I used to foster children and as we nearly alway had a lambs to feed we gave the boy Ben one that was his pet lamb, anyway the lamb got bigger and got in the orchard and got it poor leg caught in tree and it got broken so my farmer husband Peter had to slaughter it, we did worry a bit about Ben and his brother missing it but nothing was said till we had a roast one day and Ben pipes up and says is this my pet lamb? Peter and I didn't know to say but before we could reply he said if it is it sure taste good, we worried for nothing. But before Peter used to what he had to do to the sheep I used to kiss them goodbye, and say wait till I'm gone, so I'm not that bad Marie


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A pacemaker completely solved my problem. In fact, it was implanted just 7 weeks ago and I ran a race today, placed first in my age group.