Hello again

Hi all, hope that you are all doing well. I posted on this site a few weeks back as i had just found out that I needed a PM, i know have my date which is July 30. I am starting to get quite nervous and I no realise that i am about to get one.

This site has been so much help to me. I think it will be very important over the next few weeks.

Well you will be seeing alot more of me in the next few weeks.



Don't worry too much

by hooimom - 2007-07-16 07:07:31

Try not to worry too much. You have been on this site gathering information and you know questions to ask. Unlike a lot of us, you are prepared for your PM. If you have a question, ask it! If you need support or an encouraging word, let us know. We have all been there and we are fine---you will be fine too! Let us know how you are doing.


Good Luck!

by bini - 2007-07-16 12:07:52

Dear Fiona,
I wish you the best! I got my PM on the 27th of June, and have been healing very well! I am so thankful that I have my PM, I am now able to live life again!
I like you, was very nervous before my procedure. I didn't believe people when they said it's quick and painless. My surgery was truly a breeze, and I just stayed overnight in the hospital (I lived out of state). Then I was able to fly home 3 days later. I know this is a nerve racking time, but I hope this website continues to help you! I wish you all the best, and Good Luck on the 30th...I'll be praying for you!

I agree

by Suze - 2007-07-17 01:07:15

I echo the sentiments of the other ones who posted. You will probably be so happy you finally have that pacer, you'll think the WAITING was the worst part.

I'll be praying that you find calm, peace and strength. And that you find the time until the 30th going quickly!


Hi, Fiona,

by Gellia2 - 2007-07-17 03:07:22

I got my first pacer at age 26. That was in 1975 (OK, OK - I'm old). Do yourself a favor and get a comfortable strapless bra. I wished I had one on postop day 1 and 2. My poor DH had to go out and buy one for me (He made me swear I'd never tell - hehe). It really helped.
I'm betting you're going to do great! You have a ton of friends here sending you great vibes on the 30th. We'll be here when you get home.

A few suggestions....

by auntiesamm - 2007-07-17 04:07:21

Hi Fiona - I agree with what the others have already posted. Unfortunately, my PM was implanted on an emergency basis (no real symptoms) as I was in 3rd degree heart block. Did not have time to consider much but was familiar with pacemakers, etc; I knew the need was real and felt really good about it. Some of the things you can do to make your recovery much easier since you can't lift your arm on the side where the PM is above shoulder level for about 6 weeks: I put little post-it notes on all cabinets above shoulder level as a reminder to myself. Anything you use regularly, put on a shelf, drawer, etc. lower than the shoulder. Get a little protector to put on your seat belt that will cushion the PM site. I did not need strapless bras but I know a number of the gals have. Managing your hair can be a real challenge depending on length and how you care for it. Hair dryer? have someone else hold it for you. A shower? I wrapped the entire site in plastic food wrap and sealed it well with tape (hubby helped me) then used the hand-held rather than let it hit the PM site. Hubby helped me shampoo up my hair. My hair is very short - wash & dry so not a problem. Raising the arm is such a natural movement for all of us that you have to keep it foremost in your mind. First day home my husband caught me trying to get the laundry detergent from the shelf just above my head! I had done it without even thinking. You will most likely get some helpful hints from the others and preparing beforehand should make it a lot easier for you while recovering. I came home day after implant and went to a social gathering the next day. Sunday, 3rd post-PM day I drove myself to church and haven't stopped since. I am so very, very grateful to have this wonderful little gem of technology!

You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you get ready for your life-changing day! I am so glad for you that you found this site before your PM. I found it my 2nd day home while searching for more info. It has been one of the best things in my life and always will be. I get more info and answers from my friends here than I could ever hope to get from the doctors, etc.
Good luck and God bless.

Hey, Sharon!

by Gellia2 - 2007-07-18 08:07:14


Thank you all

by Fiona_R - 2007-07-22 06:07:39

I would just like to thank you all for replying, only one week to go and I'm getting quite nervous, but this site is a tremendous support. I go for a pre op tomorrow.

Thanks again


You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.