Changing Drs.

I have Bradycardia and have lived with afib for more than a decade.  So far, I've had two ablations and two cardioversions, the latest about three years ago.  I'm now in afib again, and all I know at this point is that my PM is prompting the ventrical to beat.  My current cardiologist (not an EB) concealed from me this fact when a remote download showed it.

I've no idea what my resting HR is, as we set my PM to prevent rates lower than that.  When I check my Garmin, my overnight HR is flat on 45.  My heart responds well to exercise, and I cycle about 3,000 miles a year.

I'd like another cardioversion, as I feel tired and have to force myself to get on my bike,  Am I unreasonable to want another cardioversion when I'm doing "okay" without it? I've an appointment with an EB next week to talk about it.


Cardioversion for atrial fibrillation (AF)

by Gemita - 2020-08-29 17:26:10

If they work for you and give you a good period in normal sinus rhythm and some respite from AF, then why not ask for another one ?  Cardioversion never worked for me so it would not be in my interest to ask for one when I am in AF.

I would ask what your minimum heart rate is set at ?  For me personally, a higher heart rate (now set at 70 bpm night and day) is helping me to control my arrhythmias, including AF.  My EP suggested that for some patients, albeit a minority, with predominantly bradycardia induced arrhythmias, a higher pacing rate may effectively outpace the arrhythmia.  

I note you are getting very tired in AF.  It is not unreasonable therefore to ask for better treatment and if this calls for another cardioversion, then why not ?  What is important is that AF is stopped as soon as possible before it becomes permanent when it would then become progressively more difficult to stop without invasive treatment and increased risk.  To protect your heart and general health and to prevent worsening symptoms, I would push for an early cardioversion if it works so well for you.

I would try to find a good electrophysiologist who you can trust and who can help you control your AF while this is still possible.  Good luck

You're not doing "OK"

by AgentX86 - 2020-08-29 20:00:28

If you're feeing tired and your quality of life isn't what you want it, you're not doing OK.

I don't see anything wrong with another DCCV.  They aren't always successful and get less so as your AF progresses but it's a simple and safe procedure.  Who knows?  It might just work.  The last one kept you in NSR for three years.  IMO, it's worth a shot.

My first DCCV put me in NST for seven years, then three months, then less than 15 minutes.

You should get your medical data though.  I don't blame you for wanting to find another doctor.  I sure hope he put you on anticoagullants and something to put a lid on your heart rate.


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