
Does just having a pacemaker put us in a high risk group if we contract coronavirus? I was wondering if  having leads going into our hearts makes us high risk for complcations of the virus?



by AgentX86 - 2020-02-29 13:29:56

Neither the pacemaker or leads will be an issue but the underlying heart problems certainly could be, particularly if the lungs are also involved.  It's a respratory virus and perhaps about as dangerous as a nasty respritory flu.  That's not to say that it's not dangerous (20,000 to 80,000 people in the US die of the flu every year) but it's not worthy of panic either. The news media doesn't make money by telling you that everything is normal.

AgentX86 is right!

by Gotrhythm - 2020-02-29 17:04:41

Panic sells papers.

Many of us here are old enough to have survived many, many flu epidemics. If we'll think carefully, we can even remember many epidemics during which we didn't "catch it" at all.

Just to be clear. Once your incision is healed, your pacemaker doesn't put you in the at "risk" category. Your age or heart condition might. But even so, because you have a pacemaker, you are now at less risk than you were before you got it.

Thank you~

by Mauijane - 2020-02-29 19:44:28

Thank you for your responses. My PM is 12 weeks old so I am learning on a steep curve! I am otherwise healthy and PM was due to bradycardia so no underlying heart disease that the PM didn't address. 

So glad you asked

by Lexitoo - 2020-03-02 20:25:04

Mine is two months new...and I have been wondering as well. Thanks! Should make sure we all see this.

Just a thought...

by Suzypoozy - 2020-05-28 00:21:12

It goes without saying to always follow the advice of your healthcare provider regarding your risk factor.

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