Feeling a bit nervous

Hi Everyone..I am getting a little nervous about my generator change on the 24th June....I know it is supposed to be a bit of a breeze compaired to the original operation..Is there any thing that I should be doing to get myself ready for it..I try to keep fit .
I am possibly just being a bit of a sook at the moment.
I am feeling great with my pacemaker as it is... but wonder if the new one will be as good as the one Ive got?
Regards to all from a scared old girl from downunder.


Should be a breeze

by The Fish - 2010-06-11 11:06:43

I just got my first PM this past March so can't speak from experience on the replacement procedure. I can however tell you that a week after I got my PM, I took my 96 year old Mom in to have hers replaced after 10 years. She breezed in and out of the operating room in no time and said " well there is nothing to that". Hope that gives you a bit of a boost. All the best. I am sure it will all go quickly and easily.

I was feeling much the same way!

by pacergirl - 2010-06-11 11:06:49

You are feeling a lot like I did back in March. I felt a little afraid actually. I kept reading the post about how easy and simple the procedure was, but this was about me and that was what made it important to me. It was my very first generator change and I had only had the previous one for 5 years. As it turns out... it was a very simple, easy surgery. I healed very fast, the pain was minimal, the scar looked swollen and kinda bad but then it got better. I discovered that I had been scared for no reason at all.

My new pacemaker is great! I like how it works and I like how I feel. It is the best!

I hope that I have been able to help you. I will continue to send you good vibes, so well deserved I might add.

Take care,


by ElectricFrank - 2010-06-12 01:06:44

Keep fit, but don't have a fit!!!

Go in expecting to have fun with the staff and likely you will.

For me the whole OR procedure took about 45 minutes. Most of the time in the outpatient hospital was just waiting for my time slot in the OR, and hanging around for an antibiotic drip after the procedure was finished.

As you have probably read before, I chose to stay completely awake without any anti-anxiety meds so I didn't need any recovery time. (I wanted to be fully conscious so I could give my full attention to any anxiety LOL).

best wishes,


Thanks for the support!!

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2010-06-12 10:06:14

I knew I would get some encouragement from this site..Thanks so much .I feel a lttle bit more confident now..
If your 96 year old Mum did so well Howard it does sound like a breeze..!!
You sound like you had the same fears as me pacergirl!!
Worried about the scar and healing...giggle giggle!!
Us women worry about how it is going to look more than the pain!!!
And Frank...I knew you would cheer me up ..hope I get some fun nursing staff to have a laugh with..Dont think I
will be quite as brave as you as I woud like a bit of something to knock me out a bit..
I had my lung punctured with the 1st PM and I think that has a bit to do with me being a coward at the moment !!
I am going to do some knitting for my new grandaughter while I am in hospital waitng.

Thanks for the support,

Brave not

by ElectricFrank - 2010-06-13 01:06:34

It's not a matter of being brave. I can't have fun if I'm groggy with some drug. I just make arrangements to have it available if I wanted it.


hi kay

by Hot Heart - 2010-06-14 09:06:00

ive seen a few people whove just had it done, they just have a cuppa and go home, so hope it all goes well.

Ive got hosp appt for my legs on 24th as well, we'll think of each other!


Hi Hot Heart!!

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2010-06-14 10:06:55

As Im being wheeled into the operating theatre I will think..."I wonder how Hot Heart is going!"
What are you having done with the leg op..?Hope it all goes well.


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