I feel my ICD

Hi everyone. Does anyone else feel their ICD? I have my follow up appointment tomorrow for a wound check.  I had mine put in a week ago Tuesday but I can literally feel it right by my armpit.  On the edge of it, top of the pit. And when I move my arm across my chest I can really feel it and feel some resistance because of it there.  Also, when does the skin stop feeling so tight around the device!  I know it settles in after a while, but I think mine may have moved too much. But those who know me I had mine put in under the muscle. Didn't read anywhere where that was a factor. 


The pocket is meant to be small

by crustyg - 2019-12-05 13:49:52

Can't speak for all of your experience as my PM is on top of the pectoral muscles, but good EP docs do try to make the pocket as small as possible so that the device is a snug fit.

For implant above/outside the pecs, there's a single, strong, non-absorbable stitch that is designed to anchor the device into the pocket, and this goes down into the tough layer on top of the pec muscle.  For implantation beneath there may not be such an easy way to really fix the device.

So there definitely will be a sense of tightness as you stretch the chest - I'm 7months in and some yoga stretching still feels a little tight, which I think is a good thing, but mine is sitting proud on my chest and out of the way.  Sounds as though yours is well around the side.

But it does seem as though under the muscle creates more short-term disruption which probably reflects the need to dig a deeper hole for the device.  Tomorrow will come soon enough!

Feel it?

by AgentX86 - 2019-12-05 14:56:23

You can clearly see the outline of mine, complete with leads. You could probably feel it if I had a winter coat on. ;-)


by WazzA - 2019-12-05 17:12:55

These are very very early days in your recovery, you have had an operation involving a pocket being made and  quite forcibly by your surgeon for your device etc.

There will be possible nerve & definitely tissue damage which could take a long time to heal completely. I am now 9 weeks in & still sore in certain spots around my device. I think all our minds go into overdrive at the slightest twinge or pain which is quite natural. I was scared to cough or sneeeze at first ! Best wishes   

i too feel it

by new to pace.... - 2019-12-05 20:07:47

Was just about to write about the same problem.  I have a PM an when i cross my  left arm  to my neck.  Feel like am pushing it, comes with some pain.  Am 3 months from implant.  Want to try  to remember  not put my arm in that position.  Only remember after as the pain comes.


still feel it

by RedRocksGirl - 2019-12-06 01:22:28

Eight months out, under the muscle, can see the outline of the top of it, not super prominent but if you point it out to people they can see it. And yes, can physically feel it in that same place - right by my arm pit. I especially notice it when shaving my under my arm becasue its kind of in the way, and feel it there when I'm laying on my left side. I'm pretty sure you'll always be able to feel it. Even though it can be implanted subpectorally, as women, our pec muscles are not super "thick" there, at least not enough to bury the ICD so you can't see where it is.  My cardiologist said that pacemakers and ICD's are designed for taller 200+ pound men so they'll show in a smaller framed woman. (I asked if there was a child sized one I could get because I'm kind of petite, under 5'2" and on the thinner side, the answer was no.) 

It'll look different in a few months too once it's settled in and any swelling in the area where its located has gone down. It may not look all puffy swollen but there is some there from all th muscle trauma of them going in there.

Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow!  :)

I still feel mine too

by WilsonWorldOne - 2019-12-11 20:21:49

Since it's only been a few weeks that you got your PM or ICD there is still a lot of swelling, tightness and soreness I'm sure, as well as, anxiety.  As the weeks turn to months all of that will subside. I've had mine almost a year as of December 26th and I hardly even know I have it anymore... unless I look in the mirror at this scar. Haha  

Good luck to you and best wishes! Welcome to the Club!



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