
Had pacemaker fitted November 2017 due to slow heartbeat 38 BPM, instant sucess, went for 8 week checkup told i had used up 7 years battery life in this short time, was devastated. each time i visit for a check up yhe device is turned down to preserve battery life. Now experience chest pain and miss beats at the same time. Doctor at hospital suggested I have a lead replacment, Head Cardiologist refused to carry out replacment .Now at same position before pacemaker was fitted, Dizzy Spells, Out of Breath, Area whear pacemaker is fitted Has been and still is very sore.


Fire your doctors

by AgentX86 - 2019-09-03 23:04:03

I have no idea how it works in the UK but with the recent stories, apparently not well.  In any case, you've been a victim of extreme malpractice.  Any cardiologist would have lost their license pull crap like that here.  You really do need to figure out how to change hospitals.  They're bad.

Demand a second opinion

by crustyg - 2019-09-04 04:55:00

Something's not right here, and you need a second opinion from someone who has access to all of your records and PM interrogation reports.

Rapidly discharging battery suggests either a lead problem - most likely I would think, or a defect in the PM.

Either will need revision, sooner rather than later.  Sorry if that's not what you want to hear as your implant area (the pouch) is still sore, and with the thought of them opening that up again uppermost in your mind.


by Pop - 2019-09-04 11:13:00

Have just been told to replace the top lead an opperation would be too intrusive, the risk outweighs the benefit, I can not go on like I am at the moment, getting 3 or 4 second pauses and pain like indijestion constantly, only way I can get the heart to get into a constsnt rhythem is to move my arms about to move the top sensor about, hospital are aware of this, doctor who carries out tests who suggests changing the sensor and replacing battery has been over rulerd by the head cardiologist. now waiting for the battery to totally discharge which may give me the symptems before the pacemacer was fitted, then contact A&E then be admitted that way. had an Xray which shows sensor moving.

makes sense

by ROBO Pop - 2019-09-04 13:24:04

Wow, that really makes sense. Battery is being depleted at a higher rate so program the device to save battery and the hell with the patient. Great minds...

First and foremost the reports they get on battery life are SWAG"s (Scientific Wild A$$ Guesses). They are based on projected usage from your current operation and highly subject to dramatic swings up and down.

Still it's far better to use the device set for your needs until the battery runs down then replace it and the lead.

And finally, I get so sick of hearing how it's too risky to remove leads. Especially in your case where they are newly implanted. Mine were in over 10 years and they just popped right out. I think it's an EP who doesn't want a mistake failure (your first implant) to be on his record.


You know you're wired when...

You invested in the Energizer battery company.

Member Quotes

I live an extremely normal life now and my device does NOT hinder me in any way.